Wednesday, March 26, 2014

What does Kalanga mean?

Kalanga language is essentially a composite language. It is composed of many monosyllable terms, presumably from the "proto-language", whatever that is. The Kalanga infinitive form of the verb "TO RESEMBLE" is "KU NGA", as we have noted on numerous occassions. By using the verb "nga" as suffix, we have revealed the source of the Kalanga words wenga (parrot); chimanga (maize cob); pknga/mbnga (dog). The said objects respectively RESEMBLE (lu)wi meaning Anunnaki; chima meaning rocket; i-pke meaning the god Anubis.

One would therefore wonder if the word "Kalanga" itself is not similarly composed; that is, if the word "Kalanga" is not composed of the words "Kala" with the suffix "nga" appended. In fact the word "Kalanga" unpacks to three ancient words: Ka, meaning spirit/life; la meaning water/liquid/chemical; and nga, meaning resemble. So, the word "Kalanga" means "resembling living water/liquid/chemical". It can also be translated as "resembling a liquid with a spirit".

The meaning of Kalanga as decoded above strongly suggests that the original (speaking) human spoke Kalanga. That is not all.The gods described in the ancient Sumerian tablets and Egyptian writings seem to have had Kalanga names as I will show in future posts.

Friday, March 21, 2014

If they did not live here on earth, then who did?

I have just been watching a National Geographic documentary on the asteroid impact that wiped out the dinosaurs. The crater that the impact left in the Yucatan Peninsula is called Chixculub, and is said to have been named after a nearby town in Mexico.

To me this is just about all the proof one needs to show that there have been ancient Kalanga-speaking beings on this earth whose technological skills far surpassed our own. The word Chixculub is a corruption of the Kalanga "Chithu-loba" or "Chithu cha loba", meaning "Something hit". Now, how would the ancient Mayans have known that "something hit" the Yucatan peninsula, unless they had the scientific know-how to detect the crater under the sea! And yet some people still refuse to believe that ancient astronauts lived among our ancestors.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Is the earth going to stop rotating?

If you have ever watched Tom and Jerry, Road Runner, or any similar cartoon show, you will be familiar with the inclination of the characters when they start running, and when they come to a "dead stop" later in the chase. These opposite direction inclines, although extrememly exagerated, are dictated by the laws of inertia.

Imagine that you are in a stationary satellite high above the south pole. To you, the earth rotates in a clockwise direction.The map of Antarctica suggests that the then fluid continent was formed when the rotation of the earth slowed down, rather than when it accelerated!  Perhaps scientifically this is to be expected, but if the earth's rotation ever slowed down, what is going to prevent it stopping altogether?