As previously shown, the word Barwa is a mispronunciation (by Kalanga speakers) of the Sumerian/Coptic/Sotho/Tswana word 'Barua', meaning 'those who rear animals'. As animal herders (cattle, goats, sheep, camels), Barwa have always had ample time on their hands to explore art. In consequence thereof they spun all sorts of tales covering all imaginable facets of human evolution. One such story is the biblical story of Cain and Abel, where the animal herder was favoured at the expense of the tiller of the soil. The other story is that of Adam, the first human being. If what Ben Saili writes in his collumn in the Weekend Post newspaper comes from the Sumerian tablets, then Adam was created as a LULU AMELO, i.e a hybrid helper.
You see, I am fluent in both Kalanga and Setswana languages. It is quite clear that the events that the Sumerian tablets record or describe, happened in a KALANGA-SPEAKING environment. The strenuous attempts by Barwa to deny that fact only exposes them as either ignorant of the Kalanga language or outright liars. Fortunately the majority of Barwa in Botswana STILL speak Kalanga, albeit behind closed doors! These though, are too cowardly to correct their Sotho-extracted cousins about the true identityt and meaning of such Kalanga terms as ILLUI, ANUNNAKI, LULU AMELO etc.
I have written that the 'LA' in the word LA-LI-BELA, used in reference to a region in Ethiopia where the rock hewn churches are found, means "chemical or liquid". Perhaps more accurately, one can say "LA" means "liquid compound". The Kalanga word PA means 'to give'. From this, LAPA means to heal - literally 'give compond'. PALA means 'to hew', also literally meaning 'give compound', because the Anunnaki used some kind of chemical or compound to hew rocks. 'Mampara' is a typical Kalanga word meaning 'giver/feeder of RA'. Perhaps the blogger 'Destroyer-muntu' can now appreciate why a mampara is looked down upon; he dished faeces (sh!t) for the Anunnaki!
LULU/LULO is best written as LU-LU or LU-LO. The first LU is a noun-prefix, while the next LU or LO denotes 'composition'. Adam the LULU, therefore means 'the one made from a compound'. I have no problem with the interpretation that this means "helper". It is an unbiased interpretation. However I have a problem with the AMELO part. The Kalanga word AMILO means the jar or container into which animals are milked. Thus the Sumerians, as the earliest Barwa, have given us a distorted version of Adam's creation - that he was created as a helper FOR MILKING ANIMALS. That version simply can't be true! Indeed, elsewhere the same tablets describe how it became necessary to create human helpers TO RELIEVE THE ANUNNAKI WORKERS OF STRENUOUS MINING TASKS. As for the version that Adam was created as the first milker (LULU AMELO), who in today's lingo would be referred to as "nkami", or more appropriately, a "Khama"; that's just the kind of cr*p that the Reptillian converts try to push down the throats of our (Kalanga) people day in and day out.