Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Sex starved Igigi

And so the Sumerian/Coptic/Sotho/Tswana language is a relatively new language on earth, compared to Kalanga language. It (Sumerian) did not exist on earth when the Barwa were named Bangwa-Ato, Bangwa-khwizi etc. It was certainly spoken on Mars by sex starved Igigi, two hundred of whom were relocated to Earth by the god Marduk when he married an Earthling.

Some of the sexual obsessions evident in the Sumerian tablets' stories may infact be no more than sexual hallucinations of the writers themselves - the Igigi. After all they had  spent thousands of years without contact with a female. It's not surprising that their world would revolve around sex after that length of time.

Their language is so close to Kalanga that it could have started as no more than a slang version of  Kalanga. I draw this conclusion from one particular observation:

Enki was born of the Orion Queen, with no participation of a male. If it is he who then genetically engineered us humans, how come he did not teach us Sumerian/Coptic/Sotho/Tswana before we learnt Kalanga?

I think it is possible that the Sumerian tablet story on the sex exploits of gods like Enki and godess Inanna are actually a figment of the imagination of a sex-starved Igigi imagination.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Pull down Three Chiefs monument eyesore.

Given what we now know about the shape of our country's map, that it depicts male sexual organs, it is obvious that our three chiefs who went to England to "ask for protection" from the British Crown in 1895 couldn't have had a hand in drawing the map of our country; the map was drawn by the Anunnaki! Not even Cecil John Rhodes company could have been permitted by the Anunnaki to interfere with the shape of "the Penis". So what exactly are we honoring the three (Barwa) chiefs for?

I say pull down the Three Chiefs Monument erected in front of our august courthouse!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Ku wa - To fall

Someone was watching as the Anunnaki fell from the sky. He/She subsequently called them "Lui", meaning "the faller". The fallers were quite unlike the observer. So rather than refer to the faller as "iye", meaning "him/her", the observer referred to the faller as "ilo", better understood as "it". The word "illui" is correctly written as "i-Lui" meaning "it's the faller". The observer of the Anunnaki falling from the sky was Homo-Naledi. Homo Naledi was a highly evolved ape, though still incapable of speech as we know it today. It was from Homo Naledi that the Anunnaki fashioned us, human beings.

When the Anunnaki fell from the sky, the observer was standing somewhere in the vicinity of Mapungubwe hill. The hill subsequently acquired names related to that event:  "Po", meaning "at the place"; "Shashe", meaning "home of the King". It is from the word "Po" that the country Poland and its people "BaPo", meaning "the Polish people"  got their name. You see, we can understand a lot about the past just by correctly reading (and interpreting) what is written today. For example, the written words "WaYei" and "BaYei", both of which are the name of a tribe in western Botswana/eastern Namibia should be read exactly the same way.  In German (and in Polish) the letter "W" is pronounced rather like the English letter "V", so is the letter "B" in Kalanga (or Russian). In consequence, the capital city of Poland, written "Warsaw" in English, is correctly pronounced "Ba-Sa-Wa" in Kalanga and in Polish, meaning "Those who did not fall". So, the Poles referred to themselves as "Those who did not fall from the sky", to distinguish themselves from the Anunnaki. This was all done at Mapungubwe, aka Po by the descendants of Homo Naledi.

"Naledi" is not a Kalanga language word. It is Sumerian/Sotho/Coptic/Tswana. How did Sumerian language reach Southern Africa, such that places which previously had Kalanga names, now have Tswana (or corrupted Kalanga) names?  Indeed how did Sumerian language reach Sumer? I believe Sumerian was the language of the Igigi, and that it reached Earth via Mars. I also believe Sumerian language can be traced back to its real orgins - the Orion Empire! Recall that the inhabitants of the Orion Empire evolved from a mantis-like insect called a Kherb, read "kgarebe" in Sumerian/Sotho/Tswana. They were also called the SSS people. To me this sounds very much like the Si-Si-Si people. Those familiar with the Tswana song "Si, Si, Si, ..amalalasi...si..amalalasi. Ke tsamaile le malome...amalalasi..si..amalalasi..." will probably "see" the link even to the Anunnaki god Nanar Sin. But I digress.

In the WeekEndPost newspaper of 29 July-04 August 2017, under the column "this Earth, my brother", Benson C Saili writes:
"...The Sumerians referred to themselves as Ugsaggigga, meaning "The Black Headed People". That way they distinguished themselves from people they called the Dingir, or the "Righteous Ones Of The Rockets"...

I submit that "Ugsaggigga" actually meant "Those who are not the Igigi". In other words while the "people" at Mapungubwe/Po, who spoke Kalanga, distinguished themselves from the Anunnaki by calling themselves "Ba-Sa-Wa" or "Warsaw", the Sumerians on the other hand simply referred to themselves as "Those who are not the Igigi". It may even be possible that the "Sumerian tablets" were written on Mars, and subsequently transported to Sumer. The name "Nhibiru" certainly refers to planet Mars. It is a Sumerian/Sotho/Coptic/Tswana word, meaning "The Red One".

Kalanga language on the other hand could be from Sirius, if not a composite language made from Sirius language mono syllables. King Alalu (Ba-Chi-Alalu) may have introduced those mono syllables to Homo Naledi. The religious chant "Aleluya!" is actually the Kalanga phrase "Alalu wouya" meaning "There is (King) Alalu". What is clear is that Kalanga predated Sumerian/Coptic/Sotho/Tswana both at Mapungubwe and in Egypt. What's more the very people who introduced the Sumerian language to Earth, the Igigi, derive their name from Kalanga language. I-gigi unpacks as follows:

I- is the usual "It's..."
Gigi - is the sound made by a heavy person walking (or hurrying) past. Recall that the Igigi were giants whose abnormal growth was caused by extended lengths of time spent in space, guarding among others, earth's orbit.

There are more Sumerian language super-impositions on Kalanga words. The popular Tswana name "Molefe" is a corruption of the Kalanga phrase "Mu li pe (ilo lui)", meaning "Feed the faller" i.e. with sh!t, of course.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Not quite an arrow...

For the Anunnaki on Earth, East was associated with birth, while West was associated with death. The map of our country can be interpreted as a "squashed" arrow, pointing East towards Mapungubwe Hill. But it can also be viewed as  "squashed" male sexual organ, complete with the testicles. Again it points East, but this time Mapungubwe hill is the "seed" coming out all the way down the 22 degree latitude as the urinary tract of the "penis".

The gods seem to have loved figurative notation. To those who feel offended by what I wrote, sorry the truth is that we were made by the Anunnaki. All I am revealing is how very "human" the gods were after all.

Friday, June 30, 2017

The arrow...

Oh no, they are here.They never left. Why would they?  In fact  they may even have supervised the Berlin "scramble for Africa" conference.

I was wrong to suggest that the map of our country depicts Queen Victoria's crown, with the Mapungubwe hill (aka Po) just across the Limpopo river in South Africa, as the jewel in the crown.

What the map of our country depitcts is an arrow pointing at Mapungubwe hill, the place that the Anunnaki first made their home on planet Earth.

This post is dedicated to the memories of Patrick Van Rensburg and Dr. Elmon Tafa. May their souls rest in peace!

Friday, June 2, 2017

Understanding History through Kalanga

The Anunnaki had a hard time trying to control us humans. No wonder the Deluge was such a welcome opportunity to cull us naturally.  The name "Noah" is a mispronounciation of the Kalanga phrase "U no wha", literally meaning "One who hears", but normally meaning "the obedient one". So, Noah was spared from the Deluge calamity because he was obedient to the Anunnaki.

The Anunnaki lord Enlil was not very popular among humans. In Kalanga, Enlil (also referred to as El, which is pronounced as Elo) is "Ileli" also referred to as Ilo. The word "Ileli" indeed means the same thing as the Sotho language word "Jehova", i.e. the one who is present here. The difference is that whereas the Sotho word expresses no emotion, the Kalanga word expresses dislike or contempt towards the object.

To instill discipline into humans, the black Anunnaki became a great asset. Humans were scared stiff of black Anunnaki. Again Kalanga language helps to unravel the basis for such a conclusion. The English word "anathema", which by the way is also used by the Catholic church, is a composite Kalanga word. "An-a-thema" means "Black lord". So, if you hate blacks, blame either the (black) Anunnaki or your cowardly self.

The Russians and Jews are almost inseparable. The relationship between the two is like that between Bakwena (animal herders) and Bangwato (milkers). You see, Russians are Bakhurutshe. Recall that the defining word for Bakhurutshe is "lutshi" which is a fibre made from tree bark, and from which ropes can be twined. A semantic shift from "lutshi" resulted in "Rus". So the Russians fetched "lutshi" from the bush, while Ba-kosha (Jews and or Palestinians) made ropes out of that "lutshi". As human technology developed, "lutshi" was displaced by "ikusha" i.e. sisal. "Kushat" means "eat" in Russian. A rope is called "Kanathi" in Russian, which in ancient Kalanga or Zulu implies "Ours". Indeed "nash/nache" means "ours" in Russian.

The term "Russian Jew" is therefore a tautology. The two groups, Russians and Ba-Kosha, have been embedded within each other since human creation. They are, for all intents and purposes, one nation!

Sunday, May 14, 2017

I think "Israelis" and "Palestinians" are one tribe - BaKosha.

From a Kalanga language perspective, all human groups whether they be tribes or nations, started off as work-groups. Examples of such groups are the English (Ba-Engi); the Chinese (Ba-Tsha-ina); the Greeks (Ba-Yela) etc. As the groups became politicised, some coalescences, mainly of a religious nature occured across groups, resulting in new groups/nations being formed. Such are the Israelites (Ba-isiRa-Illui); the Arabs (Ba-Araba in Coptic/Sotho language); the Scotts (Ba-Sekota in Coptic/Sotho language).

I believe that the Jews and Palestinians were originally one tribe/workgroup, namely Ba-Kosha. Recall that the verb "ku kosha" in Kalanga means to twine strands of fibre (lutshi) to make a rope. The Ba-Kosha (Cushites) made these ropes during the building by the Anunnaki, of Lalibela churches in Ethiopia. The Ba-Kosha were a large group. It is from their name Ba-Kosha, that the Jews today eat food described as Kosher.

Why do I think that Palestinians are Ba-Kosha (Cushites)?. The pattern on the late Palestinian leader (Yasser Arafat's) head scarf is a net. You create a net by "ku kosha". For the many years that I watched PLO leader Yasser Arafat on television, it never occured to me that there could be a symbolism to his head scarf. Then the Pope (not the current one) visited Bethlehem, where Jesus Christ is said to have been born. The Palestinians had laid out the Yasser Arafat head scarf pattern in display. The many scarfs displayed seemed to scream something at me as I watched on TV. I couldn't tell what they were saying. Now that I understand the way human nations/workgroups started, I can clearly "hear" what that scream said - "Ti Ba-Kosha" (We are Cushites).

Isn't it a shame that one nation, one tribe has become so polarised by politics (Israeli and Palestinian), by religion (Jew and Muslim) that it feels like an insult to either group to point out that they are one tribe after all - Ba-Kosha?

Friday, April 28, 2017

Sphynx's nose - "mystery" solved

And so the "mystery" of what hapenned to the nose of the Sphynx is no mystery at all. Egyptologists and others have said that the Sphynx depicts Anunnaki god Enki's son, Ningishzida.

I have argued that the name "Ningishzida" is a misspel; that it should infact be "Nin-Gi chi zwida", whch is a Kalanga/Anunnaki phrase meaning "the young one - on earth, who loves himself".

So Ningishzida certainly had a reputation of self exaltation, which reputation he may have earned from his grandiose construction of his likeness as the Sphynx. Such a character is highly unlikely to have constructed his face WITHOUT A NOSE. Infact he is more likely to have constructed his nose exactly as it was - complete with the Anunnaki beak that I wrote about in the previous post.

Then someone who wanted to wipe the Anunnaki history out of our psyche, and replace it with God, must have decided that Ningishzida's (Sphynx's) beak could lead to a destabilisation of religion, and consequently truncated the nose/beak.  

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Yes, they looked like parrots

The Anunnaki indeed facially resembled the "face" carved on the rock at Khami ruins. I have noted that that face is somewhat similar to the face of a sheep (Khwizi in Kalanga). The same face also resembles that of a parrot (Wenga in Kalanga). Infact the word "wenga" means "resembling the Illui".
But there is an even closer resemblance to the Anunnaki that I have just become aware of: the Australian Kuala bear. "Kuala" is a Kalanga word. It is constructed similarly to the "Kurana"  or Koran. While "Kurana" means "Ra's thing",  "Kuala" means "Allah-like", rather than "Allah's thing".

It all figures. The Anunnaki came from an extremely cold planet, in comparison to earth. That is why they had to be constantly fanned and literally "put on ice" by the "Bakhwa" (Bushmen). Imagine what would happen to our noses if we had to inhale cold frozen air for thousands of years. The noses would turn into hard beaks!

I do not dispute that the Anunnaki may have been "seven/eight foot tall Nordiks". The Tswana name for an Albino - "leswafe", and the corresponding Tswana saying "an albino does not die, but disappears" suggest that there may indeed have been albino-looking extra-terrestrials who lived extremely long lives in the past.