The Anunnaki indeed facially resembled the "face" carved on the rock at Khami ruins. I have noted that that face is somewhat similar to the face of a sheep (Khwizi in Kalanga). The same face also resembles that of a parrot (Wenga in Kalanga). Infact the word "wenga" means "resembling the Illui".
But there is an even closer resemblance to the Anunnaki that I have just become aware of: the Australian Kuala bear. "Kuala" is a Kalanga word. It is constructed similarly to the "Kurana" or Koran. While "Kurana" means "Ra's thing", "Kuala" means "Allah-like", rather than "Allah's thing".
It all figures. The Anunnaki came from an extremely cold planet, in comparison to earth. That is why they had to be constantly fanned and literally "put on ice" by the "Bakhwa" (Bushmen). Imagine what would happen to our noses if we had to inhale cold frozen air for thousands of years. The noses would turn into hard beaks!
I do not dispute that the Anunnaki may have been "seven/eight foot tall Nordiks". The Tswana name for an Albino - "leswafe", and the corresponding Tswana saying "an albino does not die, but disappears" suggest that there may indeed have been albino-looking extra-terrestrials who lived extremely long lives in the past.