Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I support Kgosi Kgolo, Kgosi Kgafela Kgafela (K5)

I support Paramount Chief (Kgosi Kgolo), Chief (Kgosi)  Kgafela Kgafela, alias K5, in his challenge of the Botswana Constitution. The name K5 derives from a movie I fell in love with at first sight. If I recall correctly the title of the movie was “Short Circuit” and the star of the movie was a robot going by the name of “Number 5”.

That said I would like to suggest that the first act of writing the new constitution be to change the name of our Republic from “Botswana” to “Eastern Namkari”. The latter name is a combination of “Namib” Desert, from which Namibia takes its name, and “Kalahari” desert. Our Republic should be named “Eastern Namkari”, pending the renaming of Namibia to “Western Namkari”, and the renaming of South Africa to “Southern Namkari”.
Hopefully, the “Republic of Namkari” itself will be realized in less than 20 years from now! 

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