Sunday, December 18, 2011

Infantile anti-socialism

In the Weekend Post of 17th December, 2011 the column “Opposite Poles” by one Sameosi Mokgethiwa, declares:
It only goes to show that given a chance, these latter-day communists and socialists in the BNF (from whence Modubule came from [sic]) and BCP will easily ditch the socialist rhetoric for the gravy train only found in capitalism. That is what the Eastern Block countries did and China is following suit.
Well, I don’t know about what the Eastern Block countries did or are doing, but what the writer alleges China is doing, seems way off the mark.
When Chairman Mao Tse Tung posited that in order for China to win a world war, it only has to let a division of the Red Army surrender, very few people understood what he was talking about. Many thought he was talking about a military war, but only a few understood that he was talking about an economic war. Well, you only have to look at the world today to see what Mao meant. A division of the Chinese economic army has “surrendered” to capitalism. Now, who is winning the economic war?

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