Thursday, October 25, 2012

Will "Umbrella" rescue Ikalanga?

The news that the Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) political party is about to be launched is very welcome to me as a Kalanga. I am eagerly awaiting the explicit, non-ambiguous, non-repudiatable policy position of the UDC on indigenous languages of our Republic, including but not limited to, Setswana language.

Specifically, I would like to know how a future UDC government is going to ensure that my Kalanga tax is not used to promote Setswana language at the expense of my language – Ikalanga.

For forty-six years of Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) rule I have watched helplessly as Ikalanga language was driven into the ground; as what I now know to be the full Draco Reptillian agenda was savagely unfurled to cover the length and breadth of our motherland. Now that there is hope, in the form of the UDC, let us hear it spelt out, loud and clear!

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