Friday, April 19, 2013

And who are the Ngunis?

OK, the Xosas, Zulus and Swathis of Southern Africa are called Ngunis. What was their role during the Anunnaki days? Exactly that - Guni (meaning wood) people. The key lies in the name Swaziland. In Kalanga language the word "Swazwi" means "a felled tree or branch". The word "Guni" means "a wooden log/branch". It would seem then that the Nguni people were responsible either for constructing cattle-holding pans with tree branches at Nkami near Bulawayo, or for supplying the wood that was used for constructing huts on and around Mapungubwe Mesa.

They definitely had nothing to do with "priesthood" or "Bangoni" as ZwideNkalanga erroneously thought.

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