Saturday, July 20, 2013


Now that the orgy of celebration over my “...troubles with this and that...” have subsided, I would like to correct a few misconceptions. Although I do not know whether the Anunnaki spoke Kalanga before they flew towards earth, I do know that they spoke Kalanga after landing on earth. I also know that all humanity associated with the Anunnaki initially spoke Kalanga language.

In an earlier post I showed that the Sumerian cuneiform sound “sh-“, as in “shems”, meaning -rockets, was mistranslated. It should have been correctly translated as “ch-“, as in the Kalanga word “chima”, meaning -a rocket. From this, one can see that the correct pronunciation of Ningishzida was NinGiChizwida. This was the name of the Anunnaki god, Enki’s genius son.

It is also my name (in a way) and it unpacks as follows:

Nin(Gi): the younger one (on earth). This was my “Lemba/Jewish” grandmother’s name. She re-formatted it without changing the meaning, and gave it to me when I was born, more than 60 years ago.

Chizwida: loving/proud of him/her self. This has been my blogging persona from “ZWIDEnkalanga” to “NkalangaUnoZWIDA”. Followers of forums dot will be aware of course that I only became aware of the phenomenon of the Illui (Anunnaki) long after I assumed the persona.

I appreciate that the majority of readers will laugh this revelation off as BS, especially considering that I am supposed to be “anonymous”; however I am aware that many people, including the ever seeing big brother, know my true identity. To these I say go on, check out my claims.

The reason I have revealed this is to stress that it would be a great mistake to dismiss Ben Saili’s writings on the Illuminati’s secret science of onomatology out of hand. As Ben remarked when writing about the origins of the name “Kennedy”: names can kill you, folks.

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