Let us suppose that Marduk/Ra had issued an order to his followers: "Mu si lime!" meaning "Don't produce crops!” What would have been the result?
1. There would have followed almost immediately, an exodus from Egypt, of field irrigators - Banyayi. We know from numerous sources, including themselves in their self-praise, that Southern African Banyayi, i.e. the people whose totem is Moyo, came from Egypt. Even Dr. Livingstone observed that Banyayi, especially the women and their hair-do, are coffe-coloured and look like ancient Egyptians.
2. Egypt would have suffered a severe famine, despite abundance of water in the Nile River. We know that the exodus of the Israelites was preceded by, among other plagues, a severe famine in Egypt.
3. The followers of Ra, the "Arabas" would have ended up as animal herders rather than crop producers. We know that the Bedouin represent what could be called a typical Arab. In other words, the Arabs are indeed pastoral people. The same applies to our country's population. My grandfather told me that the differentiating characteristic between us Kalangas and the BaRwa (Ra's people) is that we cultivate the land for a living, while BaRwa rear livestock for a living. What I am saying here is that our country, Botswana is divided between Ra's followers and us Kalangas. Indeed the country was named after Ra. The name "Botswana" literally means "Land of Ra's peoplets!" if there is any such word as “peoplets” meant to express contempt. Thus the Ra vs. Ningishzidda conflict, currently raging as the “Arab/Israeli” conflict, reached our “shores” while the gods walked the earth. The irony of it is that the European “Israelites”, namely the British colonizers, used Ra’s people as proxies to subjugate us, their fellow “Israelites”!
4. Ra's [Mu si lime] doctrine would have a lot more to say about how to kill an animal than how to harvest crops. We know today that Islam has plenty to say about halaal meat. I am not aware of any teachings of Islam regarding harvesting of crops or preparation of crop-based food.
5. It would have been extremely difficult for Egyptians to keep pigs, as pigs heavily depend on vegetable and crop produce for sustenance. Therefore Ra’s doctrine would have, at the very least, discouraged rearing of pigs. As it turned out, it went further. The doctrine prohibited eating of pig meat altogether!
Whether or not it was Ra who issued the directive not to produce crops is open to argument. My view is that the directive was issued, and that only an Anunnaki could have dared issue a directive of such import.
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