Friday, August 15, 2014

Flight of field workers

One might wonder, as I have been doing, why specifically The Irrigators (Banyayi), and not other field workers,  would have fled Egypt following the promulgation of Marduk/Ra's Muslim doctrine.
In fact all field workers fled Egypt.

The Kalanga word for a "FIELD" is "NNDA". Field workers are therefore called "BENNDA". The letter "B" in Kalanga/Shona is pronounced rather like a "V".

The field workers who fled Egypt on account of Marduk/Ra's Islam are therefore our very own "Venda" people of Southern Africa. Thus the "mass migration of Bantu people from Egypt" was no more than a flight of field workers from Marduk/Ra's "Mu si lime" (Muslim) doctrine.

This is not news to the Venda, of course. Of all the nations of Southern Africa which originated in North Africa, theirs is the one culture that has remained most faithfull to the culture of ancient Egypt.  

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