The Kalanga infinitive verb KU KOSHA means to TWINE strands, as in making a rope. Sisal is called "i-kusha" in Kalanga. The "Cushite" empire was founded by people who were specialists in making rope. Roll back to Anunnaki "Lalibela" and you will see that "King Lalibela" is a myth, just as "Ethiopian Jews" is a tautology. In other words, there was never a King by the name of Lalibela; and there are no Jews other than Ethiopian Jews, be they black or white!
In building Lalibela, lots of ropes were used. People were accordingly divided into workgroups. One of those groups was necessarily "ba-Kosha", meaning those who twined the ropes. Maybe even jute was used, hence the word "jews". The word Semites originates from the Kalanga verb KU SIMA, meaning to be strong. These people specialised in testing that the ropes were sufficiently firmly tied to their suspension points.
The Lemba people of Southern Africa are known to have a Jewish ancestory. In Botswana, they are called Baperi, while in South Africa they are known as Pedis. One prominent Lemba family/tribe in Botswana carries the name MASUNGA, meaning the one/s that tie/s.
Here again we have our compound Kalanga verb KU SUNGA, meaning TO TIE. A close examination of the verb shows that it is composed of the words "SU" and our familiar suffix "-nga". SU meant THE SOUTHERN PEOPLE/REGION in ancient Egypt and "-nga" meant "resemble". I will ramble on when time permits.
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