Thursday, May 22, 2014

Jews/Baperi in Southern Africa

The DNA profile of the Lemba people of Southern Africa has been shown to be similar to that of Jews. I have argued that the Jews are an intergral component of the Cushite peoples whose principal workgroup occupation, during the Anunnaki building of Lalibela in present day Ethiopia, was to make sisal (and possibly jute) ropes. TO TWINE sisal strands and make rope is known as KU KOSHA in Kalanga
One possible pointer to the link between the Jews and the Lembas is in the names "Falasha Jews" from Ethiopia and "Mposi Lembas" of Zimbabwe and Botswana. I believe that "Falasha" is a corruption of the Kalanga noun "Balasha", meaning those who throw away (or lose). I know that the Kalanga noun "Mposi" is derived from the verb KU POSA meaning TO THROW/HURL. It is conceivable therefore that Mposi Lembas are not only Jews, but specifically Falasha Jews.

In addition to the Masunga Lembas (Baperi) of Botswana, we also have the Nswazwi Baperi. The latter is an interesting group, because while they are undoubtedly Lembas, they nevertheless have pointers to a Batota (Zulus, Xhosa, Swazi) identity about them. The first pointer is the name -Nswazwi. The second pointer is the name "Makuta", used in reference to a range of hills where they reside. However, the word "Makuta" actually means "fences" in Kalanga. It is synonymous with "Wuta" or "Wute" in the word "WuteNtota" for Ngunis/Hottentots.
And so the Nswazwi branch of the Southern African Jews must have assimilated Ngunis  to a large extent. Alternatively, they may have arrived in Southern Africa earlier than the other Jews, and therefore been absorbed into the Nguni fence-making groups in order to impart their rope-making and application skills - Nswazwi wa pomba ngombe!

1 comment:

  1. This a very unfounded article based on ridiculous claims. Brush up on your scholarship bro. Imperical facts and citations would make your work much more appealing! Bless
