Very few people have the honor to be remembered beyond a thousand years; and yet memories of the things people say and do can live practically for ever. This leads to a situation where, with passage of time, peoples' deeds and words become "orphans", to use a common word-processing concept. When this happens we assign our current "widows" to the orphans so formed and everybody is happy again. A lot of the pronouncements attributed to Churchill, Jesus Christ or Prophet Mohammed were not said by them, but by different (earlier, or even later) people altogether.
Last week I was watching TV when it was said that the name Panama originates from Christopher Columbus reaching Panama, thinking that he had reached Asia and so stopping there. While it is highly plausible that the events described led to the naming of Panama, it is highly unlikely that Christopher Columbus was the actor in the drama.
The word Panama seems to be a corruption of the Kalanga phrase "Pa nda ma", meaning "where I have stopped". If that is indeed the origin of the name Panama, as legend seems to confirm, then the words were said not by Christopher Columbus but by the Anunnaki god Toth himself. Toth (or Ningishzidda) was sent away from Egypt to America by his father Enki, to make way for his brother Marduk/Ra. The conclusion we can draw from this is that his influence did not extend westwards, all the way to Asia!
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