Monday, May 4, 2015

Who made us, Kalangas ?

There is no concept of one God in Kalanga language. I am not surprised. The closest to a “one God concept” is the entity “Mwali”. However, as we have shown on this blog, the word “Mwali” extrapolates to “Mu hali”, which means “In the pot/womb”. That we are all made by Mwali, is indisputable!

The Kalanga bible carries the word “Ndzimu” as a translation of the English word “God”. However, the word “Ndzimu” undoubtedly refers to the Anunnaki, and this is why: The noun “Ndzimu” derives from the verb “KU DZIMA”, meaning “To cool (something down), or to extinguish (a fire)”.

We have shown on this blog that to survive the heat of planet Earth, the Anunnaki had to be cooled down in ice chambers in Southern Africa and by means of fans in Egypt. The human work group responsible for this demanding task was Bakhwa (Bushmen). The word “Ndzimu” therefore refers to none other than the Anunnaki.

It boggles the mind that when we (Africans) told the Christian missionaries and Muslim Arabs, that we were made by the Anunnaki, in the womb, they called us Kaffirs (unbelievers). Who were the real kaffirs, one may ask? Was it us who believed something that we had proof about, or was it they who believed they were made by some “ONE” God, without any proof whatsoever?