Sunday, April 24, 2016

Bahumbe, or rather BahumBELa

The post "BEL- means To Dig", as presented in the blog "myikalanga dot blogspot dot com" broadly defines who the Bahumbe are. In that post I stated that I did not know whether the English word "Bell" was derived from the Anunnaki word "BEL". Well, now I know that it was.

The word "BahumBE" is a short form for "BahumBELa". They are ancient stone masons. They dug/hewed the toilet holes on the Mapungubwe mesa. I know this because the Batugwa (Batlokwa), who hated them for taking their time and not hurrying to offload the latter (Batugwa) of provisions that the Batugwa carried to the top of the Mapungubwe mesa, called the Bahumbe -"dibetsa". The word "Dibetsa" suggests that the BahumBELa HIT something which made a loud noise, similar to hitting a BELL! The word "humBELa" today, in modern Kalanga, refers to the nocturnal, burrowing ant-eater; thereby associating the "BEL-" prefix with digging. The hatred of the Batugwa towards the BahumBELa has been immortalised in the adoption of the ant-eater (Thakadu) by the Batugwa as their totem. The rock-hewn churches of LaliBELa in Ethiopia also associate the BEL prefix with stone-masonry.  "La" means liquid/water; "li" is a verb, means "doing"; "BELa" means "hewing/digging".

The totem of the BahumBELa is the hoopoe bird. The African hoopoe is called "TjiBELu" in Kalanga. It is a beautiful red, black and white bird. I have stated in the past that I suspect that the original tjibelu was not the hoopoe, but a more or less similar dark grey little bird known in Kalanga as a "khoodza-ntanda". The khoodza-ntanda makes a "BEL-" sound as it hews dry wooden branches/logs, presumably to nest in there. This puts it as a good candidate for the name "TjiBELu". If my suspicion is correct, then this would suggest that in assigning the hoopoe, which is similar in features but not in color to the khoodza-ntanda, as the totem of BahumBELa, the Anunnaki could not see the obvious color difference between the two birds - a trait that makes the Anunnaki possibly color-blind! I know this sounds like BS. I don't know of any scientific basis that could have rendered the Anunnaki color-blind on earth. So maybe it's BS alright!
Speaking of themselves, the premordial stone-mason BahumBELa, simply said "Ndi mBELa/e/i" meaning "I am a stone-mason". "Ndi mBELe" metamorphosed to the modern word "Ndebele".

I have written before that the persistence of the Kalanga language among the communities surrounding the gold mines of Nyangabwe (Francistown) was due to Kalanga being the lingua franca of the mines WHEN MODERN HUMANS WERE ENGINEERED BY THE ANUNNAKI. Thus when a Kalanga says "I am a child of THIS soil", s/he means it almost literally!

Further proof that Kalangas are associated with mining lies in the Bakhwa (Bushman) language. The Bakhwa refer to Kalangas as "GUBU". In premordial language, "GU" meant "house/enclosure", while "BU" meant "below ground", as in the Kalanga word "tjiBU" which means a young, sweet, succulent root. Bakhwa are thus, the only tribe that I know of that refers to Kalanga SPEAKERS as "miners".

Speaking of Tjikhwa (language of Bakhwa), the word "ABA" in Tjikhwa means a "dog"; and in Nguni (Xhosa/Zulu)language the verb "uKU Donsa" means to pull (I think!). Thus when we were young (2 or 3 yrs old) we were taught a song which went something like  (sorry I'm musically illiterate):
Soh soh mih reh doh, ABA ka Donsa; mih reh doh, ABA ka Donsa.
Initially we were told that it was a song of Bushmen driving a span of draught dogs. So we loved singing it. I guess this unsettled the adults quite a bit. So we were later told that the song was infact a song of witches (Baloyi). We no longer sang it, but our fear of baloyi meant that we could never forget the song.
I only recently learnt that the Anunnaki word "ABA" meant "Run". From this I figured out that the song was infact:
Soh soh mih reh doh, ABA ka to sa; mih reh doh, ABA ka to sa.
"ABA ka to sa" means "Run, we are lighting up!" This is the song that the Anunnaki used to sing to warn human mine workers that explosives were being set off! Almost any Kalanga knows this song, but perhaps like me, did not really know what it meant. There is nothing political about the song, so there was no need for political panic from certain quarters :-))


  1. "ABA ka to sa" means "Run, we are lighting up!" This is the song that the Anunnaki used to sing to warn human mine workers that explosives were being set off!"

    Interesting, if only you took the time to familiarize yourself with Zacharia Sitchin's work, and most importantly, 'Apply some sound logic' to your many theories.

    First of all you are talking about an advance group of inter-stellar travellers (An-u-nna-ki), who not only had the technology to travel at the speed of light, they also cross "engineered" earth apes with their DNA so to create an ape with enough intelligence to take orders and to do amongst other chores, the hard mining labour. Yet you think this advance humanoid species used primitive means to carry out their mining activities? You also claim these DNA engineers consumed the excrements of the then Bantu slaves. Come on now MoKalaka, really?

    Initially when the 1st outcast arrived on earth, the only mining related equipment he had with him was a mineral sensitive scanner which he used to scan the many bodies of water including the sea for gold. Before gold was mined from the earth, An-u-nna-ki separated gold from the earth waters. It was only after couple of centuries later that the An-u-nna-ki began to mine the earth for gold and because of the huge deposits, this led to the engineering of worker apes. There is no mention of use of explosives but rather advance mining technology was brought in from their home planet. Burrowing devices that followed gold belts through the earth of which there is evidence of perfectly symmetrical holes throughout Southern Africa and beyond.

    Do you know most of the grains(wheat, rice, corn etc.) we have today were "engineered" by the An-u-nna-ki for the sole purpose of feeding the increasing numbers of the Bantu population, of which they (An-u-nna-ki) also transferred the skill of farming these crops? Yet through you extensive research you deduce these highly intelligent An-u-nna-ki lacked the knowledge to create sustenance suitable for their metabolism?

    This does not to mean I disagree with everything you say

  2. You consider my thinking dumb, that the Anunnaki ate our excrement for sustenance. Because they were so much more technologically advanced than we are today, your view is that they could have easily manufactured artificial food for themselves. Well, maybe so. But they did not transport lab rats from their planet to ours. How then could they have known that earth-sourced ingredients of the "synthetic food" would not be harmful to their DNA?

    By eating our excrement, they were "humanely" using us as lab rats. Put another way, they were displaying extreme intelligence by fashioning a native lab rat partly similar to themselves and then eating what is evidently harmless to the rat's DNA - it's excrement!

    You believe that since they were so technically advanced, they could not have been using such backward technology as LUTSHI and explosives in mining. I disagree. They needed to train us to use materials that we could "manufacture" ourselves when they left, or when they became fully intergrated into our level of intelligence.

    Your remarks about Anunnaki extracting gold from water, as related in Sitchin's books (which books I haven't read) are quitre enlightenning. I have to accept that view, with this little qualification that rather than extracting gold from water, they used sites of ancient rivers to prospect for gold!

    If you have been to Francistown in the last two or three years, and stood at the International airport, looking past the stadium towards the confluence of "Ntshe" and "Tati" rivers, where the gold mines are located, you would have realised that you are looking downwards in the direction of flow of a very ancient river. The ancient river flowed past the stadium towards where the Anunnaki subsequently mined gold. Proof of this lies in the huge two meter diameter perfectly rounded boulders that were unearthed during construction of a water pipeline along the Francistown-Nata road crossing that area. The boulders were clearly sculptured by flowing water, millions of years ago. The Anunnaki were here on earth only hundreds of thousands of years ago, and perhaps most tellingly, they named one of the two confluenced modern rivers - Ntshi, meaning "Digger". So thanks for this information gleaned from Alexander Sitchin.

  3. I deliberately share Sitchin's work with the anticipation of what you will deduce from it. I find some of these very intriguing but where the deducibility does not compute I raise the flag. When An-u-nna-ki 1st landed on Earth, the apes that they used to create Ba-anu was already bipedal. These apes were hairy but also had a lot of facial hairs on their chins and heads, a distinct feature never acknowledged by mainstream archaeology and anthropology. Even available reconstructed homid models are all rendered with straight hairs/fur including the recent one Homo Naledi, making one to wonder where the curly hair gene comes from.

    When the hybrid programme begun, Enki the chief scientist discovered that these apes DNA was the same as theirs, referred to as "coiling snakes" except that theirs had some things additional??. In vitro-fertilisation was done using An-u-nna-ki females to carry the eggs/embryos. The first cross breeds were engineered in a way that were unable to reproduce. The hybrids (referred to as black heads in Sumerian tablets) initially demonstrated improved intelligence together with the longevity inherited from the An-u-nna-ki, they lived 1000+ yrs but through this long periods they regress to their ape habits. This setback took the An-u-nna-ki many circles to solve (1 An-u-nna-ki circle/year = 3600 earth yrs)

    Remember the gold mined was needed in order to repair the visitor's home planet depleting ozone so there was no imminent need to teach the locals the "manufacturing" processes . Enki ended copulating with two earth woman, an act which corrected the hominids from regressing but also increased their understanding and as per the Gnostic texts, made the hybrids more superior/correct in their thinking than the An-u-nna-ki. To this very day the An-u-nna-ki are not pleased at the fact that our comprehension about Divinity is superior than theirs, a thing Enki referred to as "Destiny" of the two species.
