Every Kalanga tribe, be it Ba-Khurutshe, Bakhwa (Bushmen), Bakwena, Bayela, Banyai, BaHumbe etc, is further divided into subgroups, nearly all of which originate from the Anunnaki-constituted workgroups. Because these sub-tribes' work was more specific than the tribes' general responsibilities, one can deduce a lot about what exactly was going on. The names of the sub-tribes are inherited, as honorary titles, by the female members of the sub-tribe.
Take BaKhwa (Bushmen) for example. I know of two (2) subgroups: BaNishakhwe and Basubula. The former suggests that the subgroup fanned (khwe) the Anunnaki, while seated (sha). The latter suggests that the sub-tribe peeled off (ku subula) the scales from Anunnaki skin. In fact today the Kalanga word "shakhwe" expresses a form of envy for those whose situation is less demanding than one's own.
The sub-tribe names of the BaKhurutshe are quite telling: Ba-Ng'watshe/BaMoatshe; Ba-Madisakwane; Ba-Madimabe; Ba-Marema; Ba-Sikwana; Ba-Marwala. These names have been highly corrupted by the SeSotho/Coptic language which they picked up in north-east Africa.
Ba-Ng'watshe:-corrupted to Ba-Moatshe by Sesotho. The Kalanga verb KU NG'WAYA means to cut/collect (e.g. grass). This group collected the raw LUTSHI from the bush.
Ba-Madzisakwani:- corrupted to Ba-Madisakwane by Sesotho. The verb KU KWANA means to be enough for a purpose. This group basically measured the LUTSHI collected against the amount needed.
Ba-Madzimaabe:-corrupted to Ba-Madimabe by Sesotho. "Maabe" means "not compact, but ripped into strands", like the head of a mop. Such LUTSHI was probably considered unsuitable for making rope and was therefore rejected.
Ba-Matema:- corrupted by Sesotho to Ba-Marema. This sub-tribe chopped down (KU TEMA) difficult-to-reach branches.
Ba-Sikwana:- same as Ba-Madzisakwani.
Ba-Marwala:- This sub-tribe is said to be a relatively new branch of the Ba-Ng'watshe. It is said to have started at Nswazwi, by new Khurutshe arrivals who were carrying (Sesotho "rwala") their possessions on their heads!
The above sub-tribe names further strengthen the argument that Ba-Khurutshe are a tribe that was responsible for gathering LUTSHI (plural - TSHI). The reader will hopefully notice that I have not used the word Setswana, for the simple reason that the language called Setswana in "Botswana" today, is actually Sesotho. There is no such language as Setswana. Sesotho language and the BaSotho nation are some of the groups that came from north Africa. The Sotho nation are from Southern Egypt, - BaSuthu meaning the SU people.
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