Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Adulterated knowledge

It is amazing how much knowledge is still held by ordinary folk about the Illui/Anunnaki presence on earth.

When they first arrived, they could not figure out what to eat. Everything around them was too hard for their metabolism, so they settled for eyeballs. Yes, they plucked out eyeballs and ate them. It was from this activity that they were referred to as the Zhiso people. The word Zhiso is a corruption of the Kalanga word  "Zhisho", meaning "eye". Their eating eyes off victims also earned them the name Mapungu, i.e. Bateleur eagles, which eat eyes of dead animals.

Next the Illui graduated to eating excretion or faeces. When they relocated from Great Zimbabwe to Khami, they had again changed their diet; this time to milk, hence the word "Nkami" meaning "the milker". Some Southern African tribes were particularly active at this stage. Their subsequent nick names "BangwaDube" meaning "zebra sucklers" and "Bangwakhwizi" meaning "sheep sucklers" may have developed as an association with their milking activities.

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