Thursday, December 20, 2012

We nuked Barwa

We have noted that in Southern Africa the Kalanga-speaking Illui were chased away from Mapungubwe hill by the Chirwa/Setswana speaking Draco-Reptillians, as depicted on the Zimbabwe soapstone bird sculptures. We also noted that in Egypt, the same thing happened, resulting in the Kalangas crossing the Mediterranean, and leaving behind a nation which went on to speak the same Dracos’ Chirwa/Coptic/Sesotho language. The Kalanga spoken at Great Zimbabwe (Karangas) is tinged with Draco-Reptillian Chirwa/Setswana. The tribes that developed from Nkami near Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, i.e. “BangwaDube” and “BangwaKhwizi” now speak Chirwa/Setswana. So a pattern is revealed whereby Kalangas are always chased away by the Dracos.

Some questions then arise; why did the Dracos always follow the Illui, and displace them? Why is the Draco Reptilian language so similar, yet so different from Ikalanga? Why are Dracos said to sometimes exist on a fourth (non-physical) plane or dimension?

I believe that the physical Dracos were infact the Illui themselves. In other words, the Draco Reptilians were merely a symbolism, representing a moral degeneration of the Illui, which degeneration manifested itself in the development of a language, a slang.  In Southern Africa there is an Afrikaans word for such a language. I think it is called a “taal”; like Tsotsi-taal. A taal can be so similar yet so different from its “mother” language.
One may wonder why the Dragon, or Kwena in Setswana, is actually drawn as a physical entity on the Zimbabwe soapstone birds. However, one should be reminded that a picture of our “Devil” with horns on his head, and holding a long fork, is a standard pictorial representation of a non-physical, evil entity. The Dragon was to the Illui, what the Devil is to us!

Today the differences between Kalanga speakers and Tswana/Sotho speakers may seem quite trivial, given the fact that the two groups share several “nations” e.g. Botswana, Zimbabwe etc. But it has to be borne in mind that Kalangas used nuclear weapons to wipe out two Tswana cities – SaDuma, meaning “not-to-believe/agree” and Ku Mu-Ra, meaning “at the Ra follower’s (lair)”. These cities are better known as Sodom and Gomorrah.  These cities were populated by physical Illui folk who had undergone massive moral degeneration, thereby changing into Dracos.  In other words the Illui nuked their own Kalanga-taal speakers!

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