Saturday, October 19, 2013

And who are the Hottentots?

There is nothing derogatory about the word Hottentots.The word refers to the inhabitants of the Cape colony of South Africa.The name does not originate from the Cape colonists either. The word "Hottentot" is equivalent to "Nguni".

Recall that the Nguni, among whom we normally count the Xhosa, the Zulu, the Swazi, were responsible for mending enclosures with branches during the Anunnaki days. Such enclosures consisted in the main, of cattle-holding pans.

Well, the correct spelling of the Kalanga word "Hottentot" is "Wute-ntota" which unpacks as follows:

Wute: a plural of "likuta" meaning "enclosure" or "fence".
Ntota: a mender. It derives from the verb KU TOTA, meaning TO MEND.

So, "Hottentots" is just a misspelling of who they really are; nothing derogatory at all!

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