Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Anunnaki rocket colour

Language, specifically Kalanga language, can be used to reverse-engineer human experiences during the Anunnaki presence on earth. We know for example that the Anunnaki rockets looked like a maize cob; indeed we have their picture on the Easter Island Rapa Nui Moai Birdmen Petroglyphs.

But what colour were they? They were most likely Red, just like the planet Mars. The clue is in the name “Ngama”, a reddish antelope in Southern Africa, whose English name I unfortunately do not know. The animal is called “Kgama” in the Setswana language. I strongly suspect it is the antelope that knocked down a cyclist in a video that went viral on the internet. Some people think (wrongfully, I think) that our President’s surname is a corruption of that word.

Well, the Kalanga name for that animal seems to be a combination of two words, which unpack as follows:

KU NGA: a verb, meaning TO RESEMBLE.
KU MA: a verb, meaning TO STAND (UPRIGHT); from which the full name CHIMA meaning a ROCKET, together with its short form MA, were derived.

And so the Kalanga name of that animal “ngama” translates to “resembling a rocket”. Since we already know what the shape of the rockets resembled, the new resemblance must be a colour resemblance, i.e. reddish.

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