Monday, October 7, 2013

Hard to imagine.

It is not easy to stop asking oneself “Just when and how did the Tswana/Sotho language come into contact with Kalanga language?” As I trace back towards Egypt, the two languages seem to have existed side by side during the time of the gods.

Sometimes languages differ in strangely consistent ways. The Nguni languages (Xhosa; Zulu;Swathi) have retained the preposition as part of a noun: A car in Kalanga is “Mota” while in Nguni it’s “i-mota”. In Kalanga “i-mota” means “it’s a car”. The interesting part though, is that old Kalanga of the type spoken during the Anunnaki days, seems to have been more faithful to the Nguni format than to present day Kalanga format. Instead of calling the Anunnaki “Lui”, it referred to them as “i-Lui”.

The Nguni format seems to have also been used in reference to the prevailing god/s in Egypt. The reader is of course now familiar with the omission by ancient scribes of the vowel, thus rendering our god “Ptah” as most likely, “Puta”, a Kalanga word meaning “Kiss”. Here is where the Nguni format “i-something“ comes in. Instead of referring to Egypt as “Gi-Puta”, meaning “kissing the earth”, it referred to Egypt as “i-Gi-Puta”, meaning the same thing – “kissing the earth”. In other words at the celestial level “Egypt” is a corrupted reference to “i-Gi-Puta”, an extra-terrestrial “god” who seems to have liked kissing the ground.

 And here is where it becomes realy interesting: the Tswana/Sotho (read Coptic) word for people who kiss is “ba-Suni”. Yes, what I am saying is that Sunnis had their origin in Egypt long before Islam, as a religion, existed in Saudi Arabia. And in case you think you have heard it all, cross over to Ethiopia and observe that the “Christian” churches hewn out of bedrock at Lalibela, may have been constructed by ET’s as well.

The Anunnaki seem to have called water “La” from which we get “L’eau” in French and in other languages. If so, “Lalibela” in both Kalanga and Tswana/Sotho means “water boiling”. It makes you wonder if some technology using what looked like “boiling water” may have been used to hew the churches out. There is another reason to suspect that the ET’s did the hewing: On a huge human-head-shaped block in Lalibela is a clear picture of an Anunnaki rocket rising. However the rocket is cleverly shaped to resemble a nose, and its pedestal to resemble a mouth. But in between the pedestal and the rocket is a wavy form which looks like the letter W written sideways. That letter is the shape of part of the base of the hewn churches, AS SEEN FROM ABOVE THE CHURCHES. Next to that letter, and in-between the rocket/nose and the mouth/pedestal are two little circular objects, which may be planets or whatever else the naughty Anunnaki wanted us to think they were! Google Tiya stones for other such stones in ancient Ethiopa.

AND SO CHRISTIANITY IN ETHIOPIA MAY BE MUCH OLDER THAN JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF, which brings us back to the infant Nshakazhogwe, left behind in Southern Africa by its mother when she went to marry an Egyptian pharaoh. 

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