Monday, December 5, 2016

Barwa doctored Adam and Eve story.

As previously shown, the word Barwa is a mispronunciation (by Kalanga speakers) of the Sumerian/Coptic/Sotho/Tswana word 'Barua', meaning 'those who rear animals'. As animal herders (cattle, goats, sheep, camels), Barwa have always had ample time on their hands to explore art. In consequence thereof they spun all sorts of tales covering all imaginable facets of human evolution. One such story is the biblical story of Cain and Abel, where the animal herder was favoured at the expense of the tiller of the soil. The other story is that of Adam, the first human being. If what Ben Saili writes in his collumn in the Weekend Post newspaper comes from the Sumerian tablets, then Adam was created as a LULU AMELO, i.e a hybrid helper.

You see, I am fluent in both Kalanga and Setswana languages. It is quite clear that the events that the Sumerian tablets record or describe, happened in a KALANGA-SPEAKING environment. The strenuous attempts by Barwa to deny that fact only exposes them as either ignorant of the Kalanga language or outright liars. Fortunately the majority of Barwa in Botswana STILL speak Kalanga, albeit behind closed doors! These though, are too cowardly to correct their Sotho-extracted cousins about the true identityt and meaning of such Kalanga terms as ILLUI, ANUNNAKI, LULU AMELO etc.

I have written that the 'LA' in the word LA-LI-BELA, used in reference to a region in Ethiopia where the rock hewn churches are found, means "chemical or liquid". Perhaps more accurately, one can say "LA" means "liquid compound". The Kalanga word PA means 'to give'. From this, LAPA means to heal - literally 'give compond'. PALA means 'to hew', also literally meaning 'give compound', because the Anunnaki used some kind of chemical or compound to hew rocks. 'Mampara' is a typical Kalanga word meaning 'giver/feeder of RA'. Perhaps the blogger 'Destroyer-muntu' can now appreciate why a mampara is looked down upon; he dished faeces (sh!t) for the Anunnaki!

LULU/LULO is best written as LU-LU or LU-LO. The first LU is a noun-prefix, while the next LU or LO denotes 'composition'. Adam the LULU, therefore means 'the one made from a compound'. I have no problem with the interpretation that this means "helper". It is an unbiased interpretation. However I have a problem with the AMELO part. The Kalanga word AMILO means the jar or container into which animals are milked. Thus the Sumerians, as the earliest Barwa, have given us a distorted version of Adam's creation - that he was created as a helper FOR MILKING ANIMALS. That version simply can't be true! Indeed, elsewhere the same tablets describe how it became necessary to create human helpers TO RELIEVE THE ANUNNAKI WORKERS OF STRENUOUS MINING TASKS. As for the version that Adam was created as the first milker (LULU AMELO), who in today's lingo would be referred to as "nkami", or more appropriately, a "Khama"; that's just the kind of cr*p that the Reptillian converts try to push down the throats of our (Kalanga) people day in and day out.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Setswana - a Reptillian language.

Some prominent researchers have shown that Sotho/Tswana language shares significant roots with European languages, in addition to being very similar to the ancient Sumerian language. A closer look shows why that is inevitable.

Most European languages were spawned by the Latin language. The word "Latin" could be a corruption of the Tswana phrase "La'a Tin" which is a short form of "Loleme la'a Tintibane", which in turn translates to "Tintibane's language". Again this ties in nicely with the legend of the origin of the Tswana people.

The legend says that the Tswana people originated from one Matsieng, who was helped by Lowe to escape from Tintibane, king/ruler of the underworld. I have posited that this Tintibane is the leader of the underworld Reptillians, while Lowe is the Illui or the Anunnaki. It is also possible that "Matsieng" could infact be "Macheng". The latter is a word used by some Tswana speakers to mean "lake" or "pond".

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Setswana, just like English, is a foreign language

There is abundant evidence that the Tswana language is a foreign language in Africa. The Tswana language, also known as Setswana, is a version of the Sesotho language, which in turn is a version of (Egyptian) Coptic language. These languages evolved from ancient Sumerian language, a middle eastern/Asian language. They are not native African languages. What is the evidence?

For starters, nearly all the tribes that comprise the "Tswana" nation in Botswana today, identify themselves by corrupted Kalanga names. Examples are Bangwa-Ato (Bangwato); Bangwa-Khwizi (Bangwaketse); Be-hakata (Bakgatla); Bakuina (Bakwena); Batugwa (Batlokwa). Furthermore, the areas in which these tribes live carry Kalanga names. No people name their territories in a foreign language. The above facts point to the Setswana-speaking people of Botswana as being originally Kalanga speakers. But how and when did Sotho/Tswana language spread into Africa?

Southern Africa has the answer to these questions, thanks partly to Tswana legend. According to documented Tswana legend, the Tswana people originated from an ancestor by the name of Matsieng. Matsieng was helped by Lowe to escape from Tintibane, leader of the Underworld.

For a long time I dismissed this legend as pure fiction. But the more I sought an answer to the question of how the Tswana language reached Africa, the more the evidence pointed at the Reptillians. You see, the northern part of South Africa, the southern part of Zimbabwe, and the eastern part of Botswana is an area heavily infested with Setswana language. The people who live in these areas originate from Mapungubwe, a hill on which the Anunnaki made one of their earliest settlements in Southern Africa. It is known for a fact that the people of Mapungubwe were Kalanga speakers. So how did they become so predominantly Tswana speakers?

The Zimbabwe soapstone birds provide the answer. As I have written on numerous occassions before, at least one of those stones depicts a lizard/reptile creeping up to a bird perched on top of a Mapungubwe hill-like pedestal. In my view the message borne by that sculpture is simple: The Anunnaki/Illui were chased from the Mapungubwe hill by the lizards or Reptillians. Note that no human, nor any earth animal for that matter, would have had the gall to challenge an Anunnaki settlement and actually chase them away. So what is depicted on the Zimbabwe soapstone sculptures points at a Reptillian takeover of an Anunnaki settlement. Thus Mapungubwe hill changed hands from the Anunnaki to Reptillians. This must be how the hill also changed language from Kalanga to Sotho/Tswana.

Now back to the legend of Tintibane which says that the Tswana people originate from Matsieng who was helped by Lowe to escape from Tintibane, the leader of the underground. In my view, this Tintibane is none other than the leader of the Reptillians who today occupy vast underground cities below planet earth. I know that "rational" people simply cannot believe that there are such entities as underground Reptillians. I wouldn't believe it either if I hadn't experienced it first hand. I know it was not a dream, although my body seemed to have stayed in my bed all night. This was in the year 1975/76. I will not bore you with the details, but they took me down a tunnel whose entrance was hidden under a pond/lake somewhere in either Indonesia or Malaysia. They were reptiles, green scaled dinosaur-like creatures; very scary at first, but amazingly friendly and extremely caring as we flowed down the tunnel to their wordl!

So to me the legend of Tintibane is real. Setswana language must have been brought to earth's surface by some high ranking Reptillian god who successfully rebelled against the leadership, and with the help of the Anunnaki, was able to escape the underground and came and established ancient Sumeria. From there, the language spread havoc throughout North Africa, and finally into Southern Africa. Now its agents in Southern Africa, having discovered that some Southern Sudanese tribes share the language, are instigating tribal conflict in Southern Sudan with the hope that the language will be forced upon all Southern Sudanese people the way it was forced upon "Botswana" peoples. The bottom line is that Setswana language, just like English, is a foreign language in our country "Botswana". The language should never even have been considered if a National language, other than English needed to be adopted. We would have been better off adopting as a national language, one of the indeginous languages, such as Seyeyi, SeNaro, Kalanga, Xanikwe, etc. etc.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Bayela (Elas), what's with the zebra?

The Kalanga verb "KU YELA" means "to measure". The human workgroup (under the Anunnaki) that was responsible for the task of measuring are the Bayela (in Kalanga), the Greeks/Elas (in English). Among the Bayela the animal known in English as a zebra, is ubiquitous. It is called "TEMBO" in Kalanga. The stripes of the Greek flag mimic those of the zebra. The totem of Bayela is the zebra. Some people claim that the Botswana flag colours depict a zebra's stripes; while on the Botswana coat of arms, two zebras are depicted.

So, why the zebra? I have thought long and hard over this. I came to the conclusion that to train humans in the art/skill of taking measurements, the Anunnaki must have used a string/rope/chord painted with alternating black and white markings. To the humans this rope looked like a zebra/tembo. So the humans who used that rope in their daily chores (Bayela or Greeks) came to be associated with the zebra. In America such a rope would have looked like a certain snake, something which would have caused the builders of Machu Pichu great discomfort if not outright panic and/or pandemonium.

It is almost certain that the AbaTembu of South Africa, among whom we count people like former president Nelson Mandela, are Bayela/Greeks. They carry the TEMBO/TEMBU name, and they identify themselves as Kalanga first, then Xhosa second. This does not mean that the Xhosas proper, are any less Kalanga than the Abatembu. All it means is that the Xhosa's , as Ngunis (fence builders/menders) ceased to identify themselves as Kalangas much earlier than the AbaTembu. The latter probably carried out measurements in the mines, and therefore retained the universal language (Kalanga) for much longer than the other Xhosas.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Bahumbe, or rather BahumBELa

The post "BEL- means To Dig", as presented in the blog "myikalanga dot blogspot dot com" broadly defines who the Bahumbe are. In that post I stated that I did not know whether the English word "Bell" was derived from the Anunnaki word "BEL". Well, now I know that it was.

The word "BahumBE" is a short form for "BahumBELa". They are ancient stone masons. They dug/hewed the toilet holes on the Mapungubwe mesa. I know this because the Batugwa (Batlokwa), who hated them for taking their time and not hurrying to offload the latter (Batugwa) of provisions that the Batugwa carried to the top of the Mapungubwe mesa, called the Bahumbe -"dibetsa". The word "Dibetsa" suggests that the BahumBELa HIT something which made a loud noise, similar to hitting a BELL! The word "humBELa" today, in modern Kalanga, refers to the nocturnal, burrowing ant-eater; thereby associating the "BEL-" prefix with digging. The hatred of the Batugwa towards the BahumBELa has been immortalised in the adoption of the ant-eater (Thakadu) by the Batugwa as their totem. The rock-hewn churches of LaliBELa in Ethiopia also associate the BEL prefix with stone-masonry.  "La" means liquid/water; "li" is a verb, means "doing"; "BELa" means "hewing/digging".

The totem of the BahumBELa is the hoopoe bird. The African hoopoe is called "TjiBELu" in Kalanga. It is a beautiful red, black and white bird. I have stated in the past that I suspect that the original tjibelu was not the hoopoe, but a more or less similar dark grey little bird known in Kalanga as a "khoodza-ntanda". The khoodza-ntanda makes a "BEL-" sound as it hews dry wooden branches/logs, presumably to nest in there. This puts it as a good candidate for the name "TjiBELu". If my suspicion is correct, then this would suggest that in assigning the hoopoe, which is similar in features but not in color to the khoodza-ntanda, as the totem of BahumBELa, the Anunnaki could not see the obvious color difference between the two birds - a trait that makes the Anunnaki possibly color-blind! I know this sounds like BS. I don't know of any scientific basis that could have rendered the Anunnaki color-blind on earth. So maybe it's BS alright!
Speaking of themselves, the premordial stone-mason BahumBELa, simply said "Ndi mBELa/e/i" meaning "I am a stone-mason". "Ndi mBELe" metamorphosed to the modern word "Ndebele".

I have written before that the persistence of the Kalanga language among the communities surrounding the gold mines of Nyangabwe (Francistown) was due to Kalanga being the lingua franca of the mines WHEN MODERN HUMANS WERE ENGINEERED BY THE ANUNNAKI. Thus when a Kalanga says "I am a child of THIS soil", s/he means it almost literally!

Further proof that Kalangas are associated with mining lies in the Bakhwa (Bushman) language. The Bakhwa refer to Kalangas as "GUBU". In premordial language, "GU" meant "house/enclosure", while "BU" meant "below ground", as in the Kalanga word "tjiBU" which means a young, sweet, succulent root. Bakhwa are thus, the only tribe that I know of that refers to Kalanga SPEAKERS as "miners".

Speaking of Tjikhwa (language of Bakhwa), the word "ABA" in Tjikhwa means a "dog"; and in Nguni (Xhosa/Zulu)language the verb "uKU Donsa" means to pull (I think!). Thus when we were young (2 or 3 yrs old) we were taught a song which went something like  (sorry I'm musically illiterate):
Soh soh mih reh doh, ABA ka Donsa; mih reh doh, ABA ka Donsa.
Initially we were told that it was a song of Bushmen driving a span of draught dogs. So we loved singing it. I guess this unsettled the adults quite a bit. So we were later told that the song was infact a song of witches (Baloyi). We no longer sang it, but our fear of baloyi meant that we could never forget the song.
I only recently learnt that the Anunnaki word "ABA" meant "Run". From this I figured out that the song was infact:
Soh soh mih reh doh, ABA ka to sa; mih reh doh, ABA ka to sa.
"ABA ka to sa" means "Run, we are lighting up!" This is the song that the Anunnaki used to sing to warn human mine workers that explosives were being set off! Almost any Kalanga knows this song, but perhaps like me, did not really know what it meant. There is nothing political about the song, so there was no need for political panic from certain quarters :-))

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Final word on the BaKhurutshe

Like most Kalanga tribes, the Bakhurutshe have a Sotho/Tswana-speaking component and a Kalanga-speaking component. Those of the "Bakhurutshe" component predominantly speak Kalanga, while those of the "Bahurutshe" component predominantly speak Sesotho/Setswana. Why the two tribal components adopted two different names may not be very difficult to work out.
In the post "Ku Tsha means To dig" I presented two possible explanations as to what the task of the human workgroup "Bakhurutshe" was, under the Anunnaki:

1 As Ba(Ku)Lutshi, they gathered LUTSHI (tree bark) from the forest to be used for making rope to hoist gold miners and Chinese (Ba-Tsha-ina) from their work holes.

2 As Ba(Kulu)Tshi, they served as the seniors in mining/digging operations.

I reached the conclusion that given the fact that Ma(Kulu)kuSa (blasting supervisor) was not Khurutshe but Humbe, explanation 2 fell away; thus leaving explanation 1 as the only correct explanation.

I now believe my conclusion was not justified, primarily because certain aspects of Makulukusa's job could still have been subject to the Bakhurutshe being his seniors - e.g when he was being hoisted from below ground level by Bakhurutshe. The reason why Bakhurutshe could have been assigned the senior role in mining operations, i.e. the reason why possibilty 2 does NOT fall away, is that the lives of other mining cadres depended on the Bakhurutshe's rope-making and hoisting skills. If I was a soldier executing an assault on enemy combatants, I would feel a lot safer being covered by gunfire from my senior than from my junior! Or isn't that the way the military do it?

And so both possibilities 1 and 2 apply, with 2 being a natural consequence of 1. But initially, the core responsibility of Bakhurutshe was 1. It was at this time that their queen "MadaEn" (lover of the Lord), a daughter of Enki (possibly with a human woman) left Southern Africa for Egypt or Ethiopia (ka Mabunde) to get married.  She was accompanied by a large contingent of Bakhurutshe, who were probably going to get trained in rock masonry at Lalibela. MadaEn (Madene) never returned to Southern Africa. She died in north Africa, according to oral history.

By the time the Bakhurutshe returned to Southern Africa, they already had facial appearances of Ethiopians or north Africans. But they still called themselves Bakhurutshe, nevertheless. The component group that had stayed behind in Southern Africa however, had gradually changed from gatherers of LUTSHI to seniors-at-mining (BaWuluTshi/BaHuluTshi). This metamorphosis might have been driven partly by advancement in technology, such as using sisal instead of LUTSHI.

And so the Southern African Bakhurutshe, by then known as BaWuluTshi/BaHuluTshi ended up being BaHurutshe, due to Sesotho/Setswana corruption.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Lorraine Evans's "Kingdom of the Ark" on origins of Scots.

I just came across a fascinating story about an Egyptian princess, name of Scot, settling in Scotland, then in Ireland and finally conquering Scotland again. Apparently this is contained in a book titled "Kingdom of the Ark", by Lorraine Evans. Ms Evans believes that Scot may have been Meritaten, daughter of King Akhenaten of Egypt.

I find that fascinating, because in SeTswana language, a variant of Sesotho, the word "sekota" means the back-end of the head. It is known that Pharaoh Akhenaten had a highly pronounced "sekota", therefore it is not far-fetched to imagine that his daughter would have been nicknamed "sekota" or "Scot".

Ms Evans probably has the key to who the Scots really are. I have been wrecking my brains for years trying to figure it out in vain. It is worth remembering that the Italian language has a close relationship to Sesotho/Coptic/languages. Words like "Morena; Massimo etc".

Sunday, April 3, 2016

More on the Ba-Khurutshe

Every Kalanga tribe, be it Ba-Khurutshe, Bakhwa (Bushmen), Bakwena, Bayela, Banyai, BaHumbe etc, is further divided into subgroups, nearly all of which originate from the Anunnaki-constituted workgroups. Because these sub-tribes' work was more specific than the tribes' general responsibilities, one can deduce a lot about what exactly was going on. The names of the sub-tribes are inherited, as honorary titles, by the female members of the sub-tribe.

Take BaKhwa (Bushmen) for example. I know of two (2) subgroups: BaNishakhwe and Basubula. The former suggests that the subgroup fanned (khwe) the Anunnaki, while seated (sha). The latter suggests that the sub-tribe peeled off (ku subula) the scales from Anunnaki skin. In fact today the Kalanga word "shakhwe" expresses a form of envy for those whose situation is less demanding than one's own.

The sub-tribe names of the BaKhurutshe are quite telling: Ba-Ng'watshe/BaMoatshe; Ba-Madisakwane; Ba-Madimabe; Ba-Marema; Ba-Sikwana; Ba-Marwala. These names have been highly corrupted by the SeSotho/Coptic language which they picked up in north-east Africa.

Ba-Ng'watshe:-corrupted to Ba-Moatshe by Sesotho. The Kalanga verb KU NG'WAYA means to cut/collect (e.g. grass). This group collected the raw LUTSHI from the bush.
Ba-Madzisakwani:- corrupted to Ba-Madisakwane by Sesotho. The verb KU KWANA means to be enough for a purpose. This group basically measured the LUTSHI collected against the amount needed.
Ba-Madzimaabe:-corrupted to Ba-Madimabe by Sesotho. "Maabe" means "not compact, but ripped into strands", like the head of a mop. Such LUTSHI was probably considered unsuitable for making rope and was therefore rejected.
Ba-Matema:- corrupted by Sesotho to Ba-Marema. This sub-tribe chopped down (KU TEMA) difficult-to-reach branches.
Ba-Sikwana:- same as Ba-Madzisakwani.
Ba-Marwala:- This sub-tribe is said to be a relatively new branch of the Ba-Ng'watshe. It is said to have started at Nswazwi, by new Khurutshe arrivals who were carrying (Sesotho "rwala") their possessions on their heads!

The above sub-tribe names further strengthen the argument that Ba-Khurutshe are a tribe that was responsible for gathering LUTSHI (plural - TSHI). The reader will hopefully notice that I have not used the word Setswana, for the simple reason that the language called Setswana in "Botswana" today, is actually Sesotho. There is no such language as Setswana. Sesotho language and the BaSotho nation are some of the groups that came from north Africa. The Sotho nation are from Southern Egypt, - BaSuthu meaning the SU people.  

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Ku Tsha means To dig

As already explained, the Kalanga verb KU TSHA means TO DIG. From the verb KU TSHA, following Kalanga grammar, one arrives at the noun LUTSHI. It seems quite strange that the object we Kalangas call LUTSHI could have anything to do with digging. I don't know what LUTSHI is called in English, but I will try my best to describe it.

If you peel the bark off some species of tree, all the way to the wood core, and then from the bark, you peel off the outer hard brittle part, the soft inner bark remaining is called LUTSHI. It is flexible and two or more such strands can be twisted (twined) together to make rope. This activity is called KU KOSHA LUTSHI. This blog has already shown that the human work-group that was responsible for making such ropes was the Cushites (Ba-Kosha). The Cushites are of course the ancestors of the Lemba/Jews.

And so grammatically, LUTSHI means "digging tool". But we don't really know if its application by the Anunnaki was purely as a lifting rope, or  there was some other digging technology that utilised LUTSHI in some hi-tech fashion. What we do know is that LUTSHI was widely used by the Anunnaki in Lalibela Ethiopia, where Ba-KOSHA (Cushites) flourished.

We have already identified a Southern African group, Ba-KHURUTSHE, as physically resembling  Ethiopians. We know through oral history that Bakhurutshe left Southern Africa to accompany their queen who was going to get married in KA MABUNDE (Egypt?) where she lived, died and is buried. Ba-Khurutshe and Ba-Hurutshe are essentially the same group of people, but when the Bakhurutshe left for North Africa, the Ba-Hurutshe remained in Southern Africa. Consequently, the "Ethiopian" look is much more prevalent among the Ba-khurutshe than the Ba-Hurutshe.

There is a strong likelyhood that Bakhurutshe/Bahurutshe, as a human workgroup were therefore, BA-KULUTSHI, meaning those who fetch/make LUTSHI. This would really explain the close affinity that the Bakhurutshe have towards the Baperi/Lemba/Jews. The BaKhurutshe would have been fetching/making lutshe, while the Cushites/Bakosha/Jews would have been twining that LUTSHI into ropes used in the construction of Lalibela.

But there is another possibility, which though slightly different, nevertheless accomodates  the affinity between Bakhurutshe and Baperi/Jews. It may even explain why the Bakhurutshe are considered by most human work-groups in Southern Africa, to be the most senior national grouping.
The possibility I am referring to is this: BA-KULU-TSHI could mean "the supervisors during digging". If the real reason for BaKhurutshe leaving for Ethiopia, was to be trained in underground digging operations at Lalibela, in preparation for underground mining operations in Francistown/Nyangabwe on their return, then the possibility of a supervisory role in their name assumes great importance.

But there is a problem - Makulukusa was not a Khurutshe but a HUMBE. Makulu-kusa was, as the name suggests, supervisor of "burning". In modern language we would call him "blasting supervisor". I will delve into the HUMBE in a later post; hopefully I will have figured out how to present a known Anunnaki song to the reader, a song whose meaning has only just become clear to me.

The safe conclusion we can draw about the BaKhurutshe/BaHurutshe is that they were the work-group responsible for fetching/manufacturing LUTSHI.