Sunday, December 30, 2012

It is scary..

Our planetary home dried up; that’s why we are on earth.
There really is very little doubt that humans initially spoke Ikalanga language. I have traced the language all the way to the Caucasus, which is correctly called as the Russians do – Kafkas. The extrapolated name is “Ka fuka sa”, meaning “he/she is dressed too heavily”. In India we know that Kalanga is a spoken language albeit by very few people. The Kalanga name for an elephant is “zhou”, which apparently in Chinese means “big” or “large”. I can’t understand Japanese, but phonetically many Japanese words sound like Kalanga.

It is fair to assume therefore that humans used to speak Kalanga. It turns out that Kalanga words which seem to have been used to refer to something about the Anunnaki, infact originated then. We have met such words as “wenga”, meaning a parrot. Wenga literally means “resembling the Illui”. We have also met “chimi”, meaning a cow whip.  Chimi gives an explosive sound, just like the Anunnaki “shems” did. In other words, “chimi” (the cow whip) was named after the Anunnaki rockets, and not vice versa.
I have just found out that what I thought was an Anunnaki nickname “pkhizi” or “khwizi”, meaning sheep, is infact a bona fide name of Anunnaki. The sheep “borrowed” the name “khwizi” from the Anunnaki, and not vice versa. The stone face photograph under the post ‘Nkami” below resembles a sheep, therefore the sheep was given the name of the Anunnaki – “pkhizi” or “khwizi”.

The word “pkhizi” is composed from two words. The first is a verb – “ku pkha”, meaning “to dry up”, like a pond or any water container. The second is “Nzi”, meaning “a home”. Therefore the word “pkhizi” or “khwizi” means “home dried up”.

It is scary that we are here on earth because our own home dried up; and yet we don’t give a sh!t about exploding nuclear bombs which may drain the oceans of our new home into the entrails of planet earth!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Khwizi, meaning "sheep"

And so even the Illui had a nickname. A close look at the “stone face” picture under the post “Nkami” below, reveals its resemblance to a sheep. Consequently some gave the Illui the nickname “sheep”. The word for “sheep” in Ikalanga is “khwizi” or “Pkhizi”, depending on the dialect.

The task of providing the Illui with milk at Nkami (Khami ruins) was carried out by several workgroups:
To tie together an animal’s hind legs as security while milking it is called “ku kaya” in Ikalanga. The workgroup responsible for this at Nkami was called “Bakaya”. Their totem is an elephant, therefore they do not eat or come into contact with an elephant – presumably for their own security;-)

We have noted that some Kalangas referred to (king) Anu as (king) Atho and that the word for “people” consequently varies from “Ba-Anu” to “Ba-Atho”. The Kalanga word for “to drink” is “ku ngwa”. The group that milked the animals for the Illui at Nkami are the Bangwa-Atho (Bangwato), meaning “those who enable the Illui to suckle”. The same group was referred to as Bangwa-khwizi (Bangwaketse) by the detractors of the Illui who nicknamed the latter - sheep.

According to some accounts, the Bangwato split from the Bakwena following a dispute over a lost cow!  This goes on to show how an extremely ancient dispute can be carried along generations until its logic and rationality completely escape the people concerned.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

We nuked Barwa

We have noted that in Southern Africa the Kalanga-speaking Illui were chased away from Mapungubwe hill by the Chirwa/Setswana speaking Draco-Reptillians, as depicted on the Zimbabwe soapstone bird sculptures. We also noted that in Egypt, the same thing happened, resulting in the Kalangas crossing the Mediterranean, and leaving behind a nation which went on to speak the same Dracos’ Chirwa/Coptic/Sesotho language. The Kalanga spoken at Great Zimbabwe (Karangas) is tinged with Draco-Reptillian Chirwa/Setswana. The tribes that developed from Nkami near Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, i.e. “BangwaDube” and “BangwaKhwizi” now speak Chirwa/Setswana. So a pattern is revealed whereby Kalangas are always chased away by the Dracos.

Some questions then arise; why did the Dracos always follow the Illui, and displace them? Why is the Draco Reptilian language so similar, yet so different from Ikalanga? Why are Dracos said to sometimes exist on a fourth (non-physical) plane or dimension?

I believe that the physical Dracos were infact the Illui themselves. In other words, the Draco Reptilians were merely a symbolism, representing a moral degeneration of the Illui, which degeneration manifested itself in the development of a language, a slang.  In Southern Africa there is an Afrikaans word for such a language. I think it is called a “taal”; like Tsotsi-taal. A taal can be so similar yet so different from its “mother” language.
One may wonder why the Dragon, or Kwena in Setswana, is actually drawn as a physical entity on the Zimbabwe soapstone birds. However, one should be reminded that a picture of our “Devil” with horns on his head, and holding a long fork, is a standard pictorial representation of a non-physical, evil entity. The Dragon was to the Illui, what the Devil is to us!

Today the differences between Kalanga speakers and Tswana/Sotho speakers may seem quite trivial, given the fact that the two groups share several “nations” e.g. Botswana, Zimbabwe etc. But it has to be borne in mind that Kalangas used nuclear weapons to wipe out two Tswana cities – SaDuma, meaning “not-to-believe/agree” and Ku Mu-Ra, meaning “at the Ra follower’s (lair)”. These cities are better known as Sodom and Gomorrah.  These cities were populated by physical Illui folk who had undergone massive moral degeneration, thereby changing into Dracos.  In other words the Illui nuked their own Kalanga-taal speakers!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Adulterated knowledge

It is amazing how much knowledge is still held by ordinary folk about the Illui/Anunnaki presence on earth.

When they first arrived, they could not figure out what to eat. Everything around them was too hard for their metabolism, so they settled for eyeballs. Yes, they plucked out eyeballs and ate them. It was from this activity that they were referred to as the Zhiso people. The word Zhiso is a corruption of the Kalanga word  "Zhisho", meaning "eye". Their eating eyes off victims also earned them the name Mapungu, i.e. Bateleur eagles, which eat eyes of dead animals.

Next the Illui graduated to eating excretion or faeces. When they relocated from Great Zimbabwe to Khami, they had again changed their diet; this time to milk, hence the word "Nkami" meaning "the milker". Some Southern African tribes were particularly active at this stage. Their subsequent nick names "BangwaDube" meaning "zebra sucklers" and "Bangwakhwizi" meaning "sheep sucklers" may have developed as an association with their milking activities.

Monday, December 3, 2012


If you speak Ikalanga, and you still think it's not true that Egyptians used to speak Ikalanga, please google the word "galabeya".

For those who don't speak Ikalanga, let me explain. "To sit" in Ikalanga language is "ku gala". The word "beya" is almost exlusively used in association with sitting. It means "private parts exposed".

Therefore "gala beya" in Ikalanga simply means "to sit indecently", especially in reference to women! It turns out that in Egypt the word "galabeya" means a type of dress which "allows one to sit indecently, without worrying about consequences", i.e. without worrying about exposure.

Friday, November 30, 2012


Of late I have felt depressed. The trouble started when, after my last post, I came across the Easter Island Rapa Nui Moai Birdman Petroglyphs (at dreamstime dot com). The particular petroglyphs I am referring to depict two half human, half bird creatures. Towering above each creature is something that looks like a “shem” or rocket in a vertical position. Flying above the two rockets is another birdman creature, presumably King Anu himself.

Like most other petroglyphs drawn at the back of other Moai statues, the birdman petroglyphs display a disk above three or so bands that look like a belt around the Moai. It is suggested that the disk depicts the Sun, while the bands depict a rainbow. That may well be, but I don’t think so. It was precisely these bands and disk that depressed me, because they seemed to contradict what I hold as the origin of the Birdmen (Anunnaki/Illui), namey the planet Mars. The bands seemed to suggest either the ringed planet Saturn or Jupiter, while the disk suggested a moon of the said planet as the origin of the Anunnaki. So the petroglyphs seemed to demand that the planet Mars be discarded as a possible origin of the Anunnaki. I felt depressed.

To give myself time to ponder on this anomaly, I decided to visit the Khami Ruins in Zimbabwe.  If the inhabitants of Khami Ruins were the same people who earlier on inhabited Great Zimbabwe, as it is generally believed, then I felt certain that there would be evidence of rocket flight at Khami, just as there is a rocket enclosure facility at Great Zimbabwe Ruins. A search on the Internet revealed that unlike Great Zimbabwe, Khami ruins do not have free-standing stone walls. The Khami stone walls are retaining walls supporting hills of earth/rock from sliding down. On top of the hills, houses were built. I therefore expected to find rocket launch pads rather than rocket enclosures. Nevertheless, I was prepared for disappointment. What if the Anunnaki were gone by the time relocation to Khami from Great Zimbabwe took place?

I arrived late at Khami and would have been refused entry, had it not been for my foreign number plates. I was allowed a quick tour, without a guide. I trudged up the hill steps.

Then I saw it! It was majestic. Perched on top of an earthern hill that is supported on the sides by the usual retaining stone walls, a huge flat-topped rock lies completely out of place. It simply couldn’t have been there naturally. [26].I ran up the hill steps towards it. When I reached it, I came to a dead stop. On its flat top is a Cross, constructed of stone bricks and cement mortar! I felt deflated, angry, betrayed. I am a Christian, but I don’t go around lifting my hind leg to “mark” territory. Who on earth installed a Cross on a piece of science?[37]  To add insult to injury, money coins of all sorts of denominations, and nationalities, lay splattered around the intruding cross. Nonetheless, I embraced the rock with both arms and cast my eyes to the heavens, momentarily. [31]

A little while later, I surveyed the rest of my surroundings. In my rush up towards the Khami “Intihuatanha”,[26] I had passed, but not noticed a rock which resembles the face of a parrot.[30]. Recall that a parrot is called “wenga” in Kalanga language, a word which literally means “like the fallers/Illui”. I strongly suspect that the rock, hereafter referred to as the stone face, was deliberately carved to resemble the face of the Illui. [30].

And so the depression was gone, just like that. I couldn’t care less where they had come from, Mars or Saturn’s moon or Jupiter’s moon! Here they lived; here they carved a photo of themselves for posterity in stone.[33] . Then it hit me – Stones! The bands on the back of the Easter Island Rapa Nui Moai are neither Saturn’s rings nor Jupiter’s. They are simply the Asteroid belt, with the disk depicting good old Mars (and not a moon) sitting just on the Earth-side of it. Whaah!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

and Easter Island .....

One of the most significant effects of tampering Ikalanga language with Draco Reptilian, as has happened in Egypt and Southern Africa is the use of the preposition “Mo” or “Mu” in the tampered languages. A typical Kalanga word “n’nhu”, meaning “a person” becomes “mo’nhu” in the tampered Shona language spoken mostly in Zimbabwe. “N’holo” meaning “head”, becomes “M’soro” in Shona. So as a general rule, Draco Reptilians change the Kalanga preposition “n’...” to “mo...” even in those cases where they then retain the rest of the word unchanged.

Such seems to have happened in the naming of the Easter Island statues known as the Moai. I believe the uncorrupted pronunciation ought to be “Moaawi”, meaning “One who doesn’t fall”.  The noun “Moaawi” is formed from the Draco preposition “Mo”; the negation “aa” meaning “does not”; and the infinitive verb “ku wa” meaning “to fall”.  Thus the name for the Easter Island statues is a mixture of Illui Kalanga and Draco Reptillian Sotho/Tswana.  Indeed the word “Moaawi” can be considered to be an uncorrupted Sotho/Tswana word meaning exactly the same as it does in Draco-corrupted Kalanga language. Such is the intricate inter-twining between the two languages, the Illui Kalanga and the Draco Reptilian Sotho/Tswana.

The act of falling seems to have occupied centre stage in the time of the Illui presence on earth. The name Illui itself is derived from the verb “ku wa” meaning “to fall”. Mapungubwe mesa is called “Liwa”, meaning “a place of the falling”. Maybe this is understandable in a way, given the absolutely incredible spectacle (to our then- primate ancestors) of rockets landing from the heavens. But perhaps it was the Illui after all, who were fascinated with falling, which would strongly suggest that the sight of a living creature falling was alien to them. In other words – they had wings; they were akin to birds.

As already noted, the Bawumbe people of Sothern Africa (e.g. at Mulambakwena) count themselves among the most hostile opponents of the Draco Reptillians, while the Bakwena people are among the Dracos’ most ardent supporters. The totem of the Bakwena is the crocodile, while that of the Bawumbe is the hoopoe bird. The colours of the hoopoe bird – red, black and white somewhat resemble those of the Bateleur eagles.  The creatures depicted on the Zimbabwe Soapstone bird sculptures are part human and part bateleur eagles.  In the Anunnaki lore, the name Inanna could be a corruption of the Kalanga “Inaana”, meaning “a black-white-red coloured female”.  In Kalanga culture, the colours red, white and black are almost synonymous with “godliness”. It is no wonder that the flags of Middle Eastern countries such as Egypt carry combinations of these basic colours.

Come to think of it the colours would offer basic camouflage to a resident of Mars! So, maybe the Illui were winged red, black and white beings. That said, I hope the Americans have a loud speaker on the Mars rover Curiosity, from which they can broadcast the audio “Mabuyani, ta tumwa ne bana benyu!”  which means “Hello, we have been sent by your children”. Such a message would assure the Anunnaki that the rover is not from some Draco-affiliated aliens, thereby persuading them to remove the light warp that they may have surrounded the rover cameras with.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Israel and the Illui

I made a fundamental error in reaching the conclusion that “Israel” in Kalanga is expressed as “Isi Ra, ilo” meaning “Not Ra, but it (the Sun)”. I was not aware of the phenomenon of extraterrestrial Illui at the time. I now realise that what I thought was “ilo”, meaning “it (the Sun)” is in fact “Illui”. The name “Israel” therefore is a corruption of the Kalanga “Isi Ra, Illui”, meaning “Not Ra, but the Illui”. “Isi Ra, Illui” was a world-wide rebellion against domination by the Draco Reptilians, in favour of the Illui. In our country the little village of “Mulambakwena” is a typical Israel. Mulambakwena is a Kalanga word meaning “rejecting the crocodile (Draco Reptilian?)”.

The Kalanga-speaking ETs on Mapungubwe mesa, and subsequently at Great Zimbabwe ruins were the Illui. The word “Illui” is a clean, uncorrupted Kalanga word.  It has nothing to do with “the shining ones”. It means exactly the opposite of what it means in Hebrew; thereby meaning exactly the same thing as it does in Hebrew.  Confused yet? Well, it’s like a Botswana person saying “I am sure the person I saw yesterday at dusk was the new guy”, meaning “I am not sure that the person I saw yesterday at dusk was the new guy, but I am inclined to believe it was!” You still understand him/her to mean the opposite of what s/he is saying.

Illui maybe one word in Nguni/Zulu language, but it is considered to be two words in Kalanga – “I” meaning “It is” and “Lui or Luwi”, meaning “The faller”. Therefore in Kalanga the word should be written “I-Lui”, meaning “It’s the faller”. By “faller” I mean “falling from above”. The associated infinitive verb is “ku wa”, meaning “to fall”.  In Hebrew on the other hand, Illui means something like “up above”.

In Draco reptilian languages such as Coptic and Sotho-Tswana, the word “Ra” or “Rra” is a fundamental reference to “Lord” or “He”. That the Sun god of post-Illui Egypt was called “Ra” attests to this. The Draco Reptilian footprint is evident in Madagascar too, where almost everybody’s name starts with “Ra...”

And so “Israel” was the name of the world-wide movement of resistance to the Draco reptilians, by the Anunnaki-alied humanity. In Egypt the movement resulted in the Kalanga speaking population being chased by the Dracos across the Mediterranean Sea into Europe. This may be the reason why many Europeans consider themselves to be descendants of the “Children of Israel”; they are – and that is why the Draco reptilians chased them away from Egypt! The Southern African “Israel”, a little Botswana village called Mulambakwena is populated by Bawumbe, a people whose totem has been the hoopoe bird since the Illui landed (or “fell”) at Mapungubwe. Is it any wonder then that the hoopoe bird has been adopted as the national bird of present day Israel?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Will "Umbrella" rescue Ikalanga?

The news that the Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) political party is about to be launched is very welcome to me as a Kalanga. I am eagerly awaiting the explicit, non-ambiguous, non-repudiatable policy position of the UDC on indigenous languages of our Republic, including but not limited to, Setswana language.

Specifically, I would like to know how a future UDC government is going to ensure that my Kalanga tax is not used to promote Setswana language at the expense of my language – Ikalanga.

For forty-six years of Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) rule I have watched helplessly as Ikalanga language was driven into the ground; as what I now know to be the full Draco Reptillian agenda was savagely unfurled to cover the length and breadth of our motherland. Now that there is hope, in the form of the UDC, let us hear it spelt out, loud and clear!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Ikalanga language at UN ;-)

And so, as a language that all humanity used to speak, and that some people still speak, Ikalanga language deserves to be accepted as another official language at the United Nations. It is to be hoped that after the experts have established that indeed we all used to speak Ikalanga, it (Ikalanga) will be taught in every capital city in the world, including but not limited to Accra, Beijing, Berlin, Moscow, Kigali, London, New York, Paris, Washington etc.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Feeling like a sparrow

Late last winter, I sometimes watched little birds (sparrows?) fight their reflections in my car’s side mirrors. The “sparrow” would perch on top of the mirror and look downwards; presumably see an inverted “combatant”, then take off with claws stretched out towards the mirrored “enemy”. The birds would perk, kick, and of course “sh!t” on my mirror until I got tired of watching and left. I always wondered how the birds felt when they eventually realised that the “combatant” they saw in the mirror was their own image. Now I have some idea as to how they must feel!

I must confess that I have not read any of Zacharia Sitchin’s books. I have only come across material, both online and in print that was written ABOUT him and his translation of Sumerian texts. The material introduced me to “Shems (rockets)”, “the Anunnaki”, “King Anu”  etc. It was fascinating, though hard-to-believe material. Now I realise that the Sumerians were writing about ME, as a Kalanga, and I feel just like those sparrows.

Take king Anu for example. Ancient Egyptian Kalanga, and Dombodema (Zimbabwe) Kalanga refer to “people” as “Banu or Banhu”. This literally means “Anu’s (people)”. So the Kalanga have always considered people as (King) Anu’s subjects. Interestingly, the Southern Kalangas replace the “n” with a “t”, and refer to “people” as “Bathu”. Nguni languages (Xosa, Zulu) refer to “people” as “aBantu”, from which the classification “Bantu” originates. The English language betrays the function of the rear orifice in feeding the Anunnaki, and calls it the “anus”.  The Kalanga language similarly recognises the rear orifice, calling it “ipa-ato” which literally means “give to Ato”. How did “Anu” become “Ato”?. How did “nambo” meaning “a step” become “thambo”?. I suspect the Draco Reptilians forced people to spit (Apthu!) when talking about King Anu. Consequently, people automatically replaced the “n” with a “t” in most of their nouns.

The Shems (rockets) have suffered from the ancient script of omitting vowels. I have previously posited that they were probably named after a cow whip (chimi/tjimi) because they made a similar cracking sound on take-off.  Now I realise that it was the cow whip that was named after the rockets, and not the other way around.  The Kalanga word “chimi” is a noun formed from the infinitive case verb “ku ma” meaning “to stand”. The act of “standing” is certainly more associated with a rocket than with a cow whip!

The name of the Pharaoh “Men” also suffered from the vowel-dropping ancient script. The name was then, and should now, be correctly pronounced as “Meno”, meaning “teeth”. This is not something we conjure from our imagination. Some of the Moyo people, who originate from ancient Egypt call themselves “Ba-Meno” meaning “Meno’s (people)” today. Furthermore they praise themselves as “People from the big river, the Nile; people who fail to eat cooked whole grain food, due to the wide spacing of their teeth!” Therefore their teeth have a genetic feature, probably attributable to the Pharaoh “Meno’s” teeth.  It makes me wonder if the Pharaoh “Meno” was genetically more Anunnaki  (no teeth) than most other humans of his time.
In Kalanga, the word “Anu-nnaki” translates to “Anu-the-beautiful”. I am not prepared to argue with Sumerian experts on this one, so I will leave it as “ANU.NNA.KI” which the experts claim means “Anu.who-stays.on-earth” in the Sotho/Tswana language.

Finally, it is worth noting that the Sotho/Tswana language, along with the Coptic, and (I believe) Hebrew language, belongs to the same family as the Sumerian language. There is therefore nothing surprising about ancient Sumerian script being understandable to a Sotho/Tswana scholar. It is all part of the Draco reptilian lingo. What one needs to bear in mind while studying the Sumerian clay tablets, or “integrating a truth matrix” is that the gods described therein spoke Kalanga, while the tablet writers spoke a Draco reptilian language similar to Sotho/Tswana.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Something I wish could be made clear...

Something puzzles me about evidence of ancient water flowing on Mars. If temperatures are so low on Mars as to make Carbon Dioxide fall as "snow" from the sky, is that not due to the great distance of Mars from the sun? If Mars has always been where it is relative to the sun, how then could water have flowed on its surface? I am given to understand that water would immediately freeze on contact with the surface of Mars.

I'll be grateful for any simple explanation; I am not a scientist.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

We humans are all Kalangas

So the Kalanga ETs were chased from Mapungubwe by the Draco Reptilians, another ET race, and subsequently the former relocated to Great Zimbabwe. As we shall see later, this driving off of Kalangas, ( ETs or/and populace) by Draco Reptilians also took place in Ancient Egypt (Ka Mabunde) . The Dracos had a political advantage where humans were concerned, because the Dracos had teeth. They were therefore viewed neither as “cannibals”, nor as “sh!t eaters”.  Furthermore, the Dracos probably subsisted on wildlife meat, and therefore did not need the human population to be concentrated in one location. This might explain why Kalangas are traditional tillers of the soil, while “Barwa” (Tswanas), who became allied to the Dracos, are traditional livestock keepers!

After departure of the Kalanga ETs, the Draco reptilians got busy changing the language of the population from Kalanga to their own language – Chirwa/Sesotho/Sekwena/Coptic. The word "kwena" from which the peoples’ name “Bakwena" derives, literally means "crocodile", a reptile.
The Kalanga speaking ETs re-settled at Great Zimbabwe where the enclosure protecting their rockets still stands in the valley complex of the ruins to this day. Unlike at Mapungubwe, where their rockets landed, and were parked for protection on a hill/mesa with sheer vertical cliff faces, at Great Zimbabwe the rockets landed on flat land, and therefore had to be parked inside an enclosure - built of stone slabs without mortar!

 And so Mapungubwe was initially, a Kalanga speaking ET outpost. So was Great Zimbabwe. The people who live around Great Zimbabwe are still known as Karangas/Kalangas to this day. As to where these Kalanga speaking ETs were from, I believe it was Mars. The writer of a column that claims to present an “intergrated truth matrix” in one of the local newspapers is right about this. He evidently concluded that “Nibiru” is somehow connected to “n-hibidu” meaning “red” in Sotho-Tswana languages. Mars, as we know is the “red” planet!

From a Kalanga perspective, I believe that the ETs came from Mars because of a small brightly red-coloured  insect that appears just after the rainy season commences. This insect is called “ndzimu”, meaning “god”.  The earliest Kalangas, who lived among the Mapungubwe ETs, must therefore have been aware that the “gods” were from the red planet, i.e. Mars.
 Egypt (and its pyramids) was also a Kalanga speaking ET outpost, as shown by the names of current European nations. There too the Kalanga speaking population was displaced onto Europe by the Dracos, who proceeded to change the remaining population's language to their own language - Coptic. As I’ve shown previously, the Narmer Pallete is a Kalanga artefact, written in Kalanga for a Kalanga Pharaoh. However there is no doubt that subsequent Pharaohs, e.g. Nthutang-ga-Meno (Tutankhamum??) was a Nrwa (Setswana/Sesotho/Coptic) Pharaoh.

The Olmecs in South America were a Kalanga speaking ET outpost. The word "Olmecs" is a corruption of the Kalanga word "N'holo-meki". The word "N'holo" means "head". The word "meki" means "metal bucket". So "N'holo-meki" translates to modern "tin foil head".

Machu Picchu in South America was a Kalanga speaking ET outpost. I know this because the rocket-embarkation point was called intihuatanha, which according to Wikipedia means “a hitching post of the sun”. “Intihuatanha”  is a Kalanga word, formed out of two words - "nti" - a tree, and "ku tanha", meaning to mount or to ascend. So intihuatanha was a "tree" by which travellers climbed into the rockets, or into the heavens!

I have not been able to find examples of Kalanga speaking ET outposts in Asia. That is not to say they are not there. In most nations around the world, Asia included, when very old people pray in their traditional religions, they pray in Kalanga language. Asia, specifically China, may have fully converted away from Kalanga by now, seeing as their dragon is strongly suggestive of Draco reptilian influence.

The languages we speak are languages of Extra-terrestrials. I believe Kalanga is spoken on Mars. As I indicated in the case of Babylon, the Kalanga [and Setswana/Sesotho too] infinitive verb for “to rain” is “ku na”. Therefore  if food, or whatever else started “raining from heaven” it could possibly be called “Ma-na”. From the recent observation of the American Mars orbiting spacecraft, we learn that frozen carbon dioxide indeed “rains” on Mars. It stands to reason that this is the “Manna from Heaven” that we read about in the bible. In other words, Martians eat "raining" frozen carbon dioxide – MaNa on Mars. Indeed the word BaKalanga means "the Sun people", in other words "the Solar system's people" as opposed to the Dracos who came from a different star system - the Draco-reptilian constellation. Ben Saili's collumn "this earth, my brother" tells us a lot about the Draco-reptilians and their "Gray" emissaries, especially concerning the latter's visit to US president "Ike" Eisenhower in 1952.

So, old man Mogomela was correct in saying  "...Mokalaka go tewa lefatshe”, which evidently translates to “ a Kalanga we mean a human being"!  While some African organisations and formations are now embracing Sharia Law as the ultimate salvation of mankind, Our Government occupies the distinctive and unenviable position of being the first in the world to advance a Draco Reptilian agenda.

"King" Mogomela is right, after all.

And so old man Mogomela is right after all. In case the reader has not been to Francistown,Botswana, and therefore does not know Mogomela, let me give a brief description. He is an old man with a high pitched voice; rides a bicycle with all sorts of appendages - sometimes the botswana flag; always a blue plate with a long message proclaiming him (Mogomela) as "King of Kings etc." Mogomela is 93 years old, and he is a Setswana language speaker. He is a jolly old man, always with a smile on his face, and eager to engage in conversation.

Some six years ago, on one of his usual visits to the Social Security department at the Government offices, I challenged Mogomela on his claim that he is the greatest King of all Botswana Kings. I told him that it is unfair that Kalangas do not have a "king/chief" when other tribes, especially the so-called "major" tribes have them. For the first time ever, I saw him look serious. He focused his eyes on some unseen distant object and said "Mokalaka gase morafe, Mokalaka go tewa lefatshe" which translates to "A kalanga is not a tribe, by Kalanga we mean the land [or country or world, I didn't know which]". He did not elaborate, but quickly reverted to his usual self "hei boy, [I was in my late fifties] did I not tell you that even the president reports to me!" Most people actually think he is mad, and treat him as such.  Now, back to Mapungubwe.

Mapungubwe is variously referred to as Liwa; luwo; luo; lowe; luwe in IKalanga-related languages; each name having one thing in common – it is derived from the infinitive verb “ku wa”, meaning “to fall”. The verb “wa” could be either Kalanga or Sotho-Tswana. However, the Operating language, which one might call the meta-language at Mapungubwe, was Kalanga; also referred to as Ikalanga.
This view finds support in the fact that the names of the work groups there, which names now belong even to non-Kalanga speaking nations of Southern Africa, are in Kalanga, e.g. Bahumbe (the diggers); Batugwa (the porters); Be-Hakata (the traditional doctors/deviners); Balindi (the guards); BaChiliga (the cliff-face guards); Balilima (the crop farmers) etc. The meta-language belonged to the ETs. In other words the ETs spoke Kalanga. The ETs did not have teeth, and that is why they ate our sh!t and the contents of our stomachs. Now, picture a toothless creature that speaks. “That’s a parrot!” I can hear you saying. Exactly! In Kalanga, a parrot is called “wenga” .The word “we-nga” is composed from two verbs “ku wa” meaning “to fall” and “ku nga” meaning “to resemble”. In other words a parrot is called “wenga” because it speaks, and has no teeth, just like the Mapungubwe ETs.

It is generally accepted that on leaving Mapungubwe, its Kalanga inhabitants relocated to Great Zimbabwe. I don't know how that conclusion was arrived at, but I believe it, albeit with a qualification attached. It was the ETs, and not necessarily the general populace, that relocated to Great Zimbabwe.  The general populace, e.g. Be-Hakata, Batugwa, is us. Some of us are as far south as Cape Town.
The Extra-terrestrials (ETs) actually left us the message about their relocation to Great Zimbabwe at the Great Zimbabwe ruins themselves - carved in the form of the Zimbabwe soapstone birds.  Seven of these bird carvings were found on the hill complex at Great Zimbabwe. All the birds were facing east. Each bird stands on a pedestal.  The shape of the pedestal closely resembles Mapungubwe hill/mesa.
On at least one of those carvings, a reptile of some sort is carved on the pedestal, facing upwards towards the bird. The birds are clearly bateleur eagles (Zwipungu, or Mapungu when personified). In my opinion, and evidently , that of zwidenkalanga; [please google "Zimbabwe soapstone birds - ancient Mapungubwe seal ?] what all this means is that the ETs were chased from Mapungubwe mesa by some sort of reptile, and that they (ETs) relocated from Mapungubwe to Great Zimbabwe as a result of this.

At this point the reader needs to be aware of an extra terrestrial race called the Draco reptilians. It is exquisitely described in Benson C.  Saili's column "this earth my brother" in the weekly WeekendPost newspaper. The reader needs to be exposed to the material in Benson Saili’s column starting from the 5 – 11 May 2012 paper, up to and including the 2 – 8 June 2012 edition. My next post will assume such exposure on the part of the reader, and will show the real roots of Sesotho/Setswana language in Southern Africa.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

No posts for 40 days...

In the shadow of Mapungubwe today, many people lost their lives. I can't imagine anyone wanting to read my blog for the next 40 days. Accordingly this blog falls silent.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Names say it all

If you are Kalanga, ask yourself what the Be-Hakata royal name "Gulubane" means!

Monday, June 18, 2012

They lived on Mapungubwe mesa

The extra-terrestrials (ETs) lived on Mapungubwe mesa at the confluence of Limpopo and Shashe rivers. The evidence is all over the place. Forget about the dating of Mapungubwe settlement to 1000 – 1300 AD. These were later settlements. As already shown by Zwidenkalanga on the topic “badwa-po” under social development, on forums dot gov dot bw, the origins of the various "tribes" of Southern Africa can be traced directly to the work-groups of Mapungubwe, just as the origins of various European nations can be traced directly to the work-groups that built the Egyptian pyramids. In both cases, the real intent of the extra-terrestrials in collecting the workers/residents in one place was to obtain food from the excretion of the living workers and the bowels of the dead workers.

Enter the paramount chief (Kgosi Kgolo) Kgosi Kgafela Kgafela ii, alias K5 (to me). K5 maintains that witches/wizards (Baloyi) do exist. He should know. It was his direct ancestor, Kgafela i, who acted as the intermediary between the extra-terrestrials and humankind.   You see, K5 is King of Be-Hakata, i.e. the traditional doctors. Through Be-Hakata, the extra-terrestrials ruled Mapungubwe. There are holes in the sand stone on top of Mapungubwe. There is also evidence that these holes used to be covered by flat rock slabs, on top of which a hut was built. These huts were actually toilets, where the populace deposited their sh!t into the holes to feed the ETs. The traditional doctors were the closest to the ETs, therefore they controlled access to these “toilets”. It is from this responsibility of Be-Hakata, that the local name for “toilet” – ntlwana ya Sekgatla (hut of Be-Hakata), comes from.

Given that the Alexandria library was sacked, not by barbarians but by the Illui, we have to accept the account left by the Sumerians as to who these ETs were, and from such acceptance we note that it was Inanna who caused the split between the Be-Hakata of Kgafela and those of hers, Bakgatla baga MaNaana, or better still Bakgatla baga Ma-Inanna.
In Ikalanga language Mapungu are bateleur eagles, and bwe is a rock outcrop. Therefore the name Mapungubwe directly refers to the ETs who stayed on that mesa – bateleur  eagles on a rock. The name for a jackal is Phungubwe (note the “h”). It may well have originated from the similarity of the animal to the ET Annubis. Finally Mapungubwe mesa is known as “Liwa”in Ikalanga, or “Lowe” in Chirwa, both of which mean “a place of falling”. The falling may not have been solely that of rocks to repel attackers in its later occupation, but the actual landing of the Anunnaki Shems or rockets. In Ikalanga language, a whip used for driving spanned oxen is called chimi, and it explodes the way a “shem” would presumably have sounded on take-off. Think about all these and tell me if all you see on my head is a tinfoil hat!

Monday, May 14, 2012

That BNF "Kopano" symbol!

In my view, if all that the Umbrella party will achieve will be to get rid of the Botswana National Front (BNF) “Kopano” symbol, it (Umbrella) will have achieved its purpose. The BNF Kopano symbol is a very slight modification of the “Barwa” hieroglyph. Only the axe was removed from the hieroglyph to construct the symbol.  The hieroglyph is depicted in the lowest register on the reverse side of the Narmer Palette, just above the “stumbling” figure of a man – private parts exposed!
As a Kalanga, it irks me to see a supposedly National Party bearing a tribalist symbol. Let’s get rid of it.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Why should non-Ikalanga speakers have a say?

Two articles in the two most recent editions of the Weekend Post, the first by Divetero Max Muniape, entitled “Of Botswana identity and Tribalism”and the latest by Kutlwano Cozby, entitled “Tribal Majority Rule” have set my mind on a new line of analysis altogether.
Why is it, I now ask myself, that the opinion of a Tswana speaking person has to be sought whenever the question arises as to whether Ikalanga language should be taught in schools and be broadcast on radio? After all, no Ikalanga language speakers were ever consulted when the decision was made to teach Tswana language, much less to make it a so-called National language! Even more shocking is the requirement that should the Ikalanga language community decide to start an IKalanga language Radio Station, Government should first give approval. I mean our Kalanga taxes are currently being used for the exclusive promotion of Setswana, a language whose speakers first, stole our alphabet and then banned our language.  
Again my mind wonders to the Narmer Palette, bottom register on the reverse side, and I see the Nrwa running for dear life as the Kalanga soldier, Mengwe overthrows his own King. I ask myself if that is where it all went wrong. Did General Mengwe subsequently sacrifice his own Ikalanga culture in order to appease the traditional Nrwa enemy whom he had now forcibly co-opted into the Federation of Mabunde? Whether or not he did, the situation in which Ikalanga language finds itself in “Botswana” today is unacceptable and needs to be confronted head-on!  

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Look what Kenneth Koma spent his life telling us!

I am angry. Actually, I am hopping mad, because my fears have been confirmed. Our country is the worst managed country in the whole world. In my view, a good measure of how well managed a country is, is the degree to which its wealth is equitably distributed among its citizens, or equitably generated by its citizens. I have just read an article entitled “Mining: The super-rich and the poor” by one Roman Grynberg in the Friday 27 April edition of Mmegi. I quote:
“…The three most unequal countries in the world are Namibia, South Africa and Botswana (CIA factbook)...”
Given that both South Africa and Namibia have only recently (compared to Botswana) emerged from institutionalized inequality engendered by, and enforced through apartheid, what the above statement really says is that the most unequal country in the world is Botswana. This is the painful truth that I wish Basubiya politicians would tell Basubiya in Chisubiya language; Bakhoe politicians would tell Bakhoe in their different “Khoisan” languages; Bakalanga politicians would tell Bakalanga in Ikalanga language, Bayeyi politicians would tell Bayeyi in Shiyeyi language, etc. etc.
Perhaps then, the various nationalities would understand why their languages are not allowed on the country’s airwaves – to hide the truth about just how unjustifiably deprived they, and the poor Tswana language speakers, really are. Perhaps it would make our people understand that instead of “a shining example of democracy in Africa”, what we really have is “a disgusting enclave of enforced deprivation in Africa”.
After we attained Independence, the new mining investors dutifully respected the mining agreements that they had signed with the Government, and turned over the nation’s share of the mining profits to Government. It was Government who screwed up. Realizing that the new-found wealth represented raw economic power over all things living within their borders, the Government wielded the wealth as a stick to beat into submission anyone who dared question the wealth’s skewed distribution. The victims included opposition political parties, individuals, non-governmental organisations. The wealth has been held in trust, as it were, for one entity – the ruling elite. Consequently, those who have been denied their share of the national wealth, have had no choice but to join the ruling party as members. This is the reason for the much vaunted “stability” of the ruling party. The reality is that the national wealth is being used by the party which has been in power since independence 46 years ago, to sustain itself in power by sheer brute economic repression of the masses of our people.
I refuse to believe that if the national wealth had been handed over to our kings, rather than to Government, the level of inequality would be what it is today. After all this inequality did not exist before or during colonial times, when our kings, in their limited ways, had power over our wealth – the land! I believe this is what Kgosikgolo Kgafela ii is trying to open our eyes to; pity that our politicians can only roll up their sleeves for the imminent fight at Mahalapye special congress! Fighting over what, one may ask oneself? 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Tuareg?

The Tuareg…
Is it coincidence, I wonder?
When the Bakhwa (Bushmen), residing in the Central-to-Northwest Districts of Botswana say “Tuare”, they mean “People”, and more specifically “their people”. I wonder if this suggests that there is a link between them and the Tuareg of North Africa.
This crossed my mind because the habitat of both peoples is quite similar – the Kalahari semi desert in Botswana and the Sahara desert in North Africa. Perhaps those who speak the language of either the Tuareg or the Bakhwa  or both can research further on the linkage.

Which in Emglish translates to “Bow down your heads to touch the ground; Welcome Mengwe, King of Kings, the biggest lion, your master, the one who defeated the two lands that carry the Nile and united them into one Federation of MaBunde.”

I wish to add a detail that I had not noticed when I wrote the above. The official carrying a pair of sandals behind King Mengwe has an inscription which consists of flowers (MALUBA) and just below the flowers, a head (NHOLO, plural – MIHOLO). This changes the phrase “ the one who defeated the two lands” to the phrase “the one who defeated the heads of the two lands”. The Ikalanga language rendition becomes “…MALOBA MIHOLO E HANGO MBILI DZAKA SENGA GUNGWA (nile)…”

Kalanga speakers will have noticed by now that so far I have been using a dialect of Ikalanga that is spoken in South Western Zimbabwe, around Plumtree and (I believe) Dombodema. I have no proof that this represents the sole version of Ikalanga language that the ancient Egyptians spoke. In fact I am now in trouble due to this. In most versions of Kalanga, the “head of a land” or “king” is called “she”, while in the Plumtree version, they drop the “s” whenever it is followed by “h”.
While reading “An esoteric interpretation of the Narmer Pallette and the Narmer Macehead” by Dr. Douglass A. White, I learnt that the figure being smitten by “Narmer” with a mace, on the reverse side of the Pallette has an inscription “Wa Sha”. I also learnt that the HORUS-guided head above that figure represents the expression “Sha”. I think this proves that the Kalanga version spoken by Ancient Egyptians was not always the Plumtree version. The “Sha” in the above expressions is pronounced “Shay”, and written “She” in Kalanga, meaning  “king” or “head of a land”. Therefore the MAIN register on the reverse side of the Pallette, records that Mengwe is striking “SHE WA (BO)SHE”, meaning  “King of King(s)”. The King of Kings referred to here is undoubtedly King of Lower Egypt (Delta) as shown by the papyrus reeds, and HORUS.

Still on the reverse side, bottom register we see two figures running and stumbling. The left figure has an inscription of a wall, while the right figure has what at first appears to be a “knot of some kind”. In fact it is not a knot at all; it is “two raised arms clenching an axe and ready to strike”. This must be a hieroglyph for “ku rwa” meaning “to fight” in Shona language, or “ku gwa” in Kalanga, proper.  Shona language (spoken in Zimbabwe) is a dialect of Kalanga that developed among the soldiers who were deployed between the Southern Su-thu people, also known as “Barwa” and the Northern Kalangas proper. The bottom register therefore depicts the people south of the WALL (Shabaka stone) who were in the main Barwa/Basuthu running for dear life from General (Narmer)Mengwe/Meno.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Phoenix is rising from the ashes...

The Phoenix is rising….

When you read Duma Boko’s article, entitled “The Umbrella is a national calling” in Mmegi (the Reporter) of 16 March 2012, you get the feeling that the Phoenix that is the BNF, is rising. Note how Boko calls BCP President Dumelang Saleshando “Comerade Dums”, and contrast that with Dumelang’s dogs of war, who call him – Comerade Mafikizolo!

Yes, lead he will; and the criminals that have been looting our National coffers had better beware – the Nation is coming for you, with someone who understands the law, in the lead!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Still on direct election of President

I must not be misunderstood to suggest that if a President is highly educated, then he will be a highly efficient President. After all the highly educated President Mogae was probably the worst President ever to befall this country. However, the reasons for Mogae’s bad performance are quite different from Khama’s failures.
Under Mogae the people appointed into critical economic positions knew that he was watching. They could not insolently ransack the treasury or the economy because they knew that he was capable of analyzing their actions and catching them. So, the smart thieves, the kind that easily bring the country to its knees if given the opportunity, kept their dirty fingers from the NDB, the Bank of Botswana and other vital economic organs.

Mogae’s failures have a lot to do with his lack of a constituency. Because he had no powerful backers such as the Bangwato tribe behind his Presidency, he substituted PARTY for constituency. As a result only those who were unmistakably identified with his party, the BDP were ever considered for appointment to vital positions in Government. It did not matter how well one merited appointment to a critical economic decision-making position, if one did not wear a red shirt/blouse and a black skirt/trousers, one was doomed to spend their lives doing mundane non challenging chores. Thus Mogae’s over-dependence on the PARTY, resulted in the country having a bevy of incapable officials, all clad in the PARTY’s colours and all depending on foreign expertise for their survival.

Khama’s failures on the other hand stem from his inability to engage the experts and question the actions of his appointees to public office. To overcome this shortcoming he escapes from the office to go “interect with the masses”.  The smart white collar thieves love this. When he is away in the bush they ransack the NDB and generally cause economic mayhem. Khama’s solid constituency offers him no relief in this, because what he needs is hard, solid educational grounding, which he severely lacks. The sad part is that he will almost certainly win any “direct elections” as envisaged by the Motion currently before Parliament. 

Motion on direct Presidential election is a waste of time

I hear some MP is to present a motion in Parliament calling for the constitution to be amended in such a way that the President of the Republic will be directly elected by the people rather than by Parliament, as is the case currently. I cannot say that I disagree with such a motion, I can only point out that the motion is such an awful waste of time.
Our current problems as a country stem, not from the unpopularity of the President, but from his unsuitability for the post of President of this Republic. Therefore if the constitution is to be amended to address the office of President of the Republic, the office of Vice President, and that of Leader of Opposition, I would suggest that five safeguards be built into the constitution:
1. Minimum educational qualifications should be specified for both the President and the Vice President.
2. Constitutional Mechanisms that enable Parliament to reject any Presidential decree or Executive order by the President, as well as mechanisms that enable the President to veto legislation by Parliament, should be introduced.
3. General Elections should be held on a date uncompromisingly specified in the constitution, say the last Friday of July, every fifth year.
4. Voting should continue to be by secret ballot, but NO BALLOT BOX should be allowed to move until the election officials, including party representatives, have counted AND publicly announced the votes contained therein.
5. The position of leader of Opposition in Parliament should not be subject to an election. The leader of the party with the second largest number of elected MPs, following a General Election should automatically become a Member of Parliament, and assume the position of leader of Opposition. He/she should hold that position until the next General Election, irrespective of defections. If a General election produces a tie in the number of MPs, either for ruling or for opposition, the tie should be broken in similar manner.

I submit that if the above measures become “hard-coded” into our constitution, it will be immaterial whether the President is directly elected or elected by Parliament. Direct election on its own will simply usher in the most popular man, who most likely will be a good administrator, but not a competent operator. I have been to Kgotla gatherings where some old woman, who happens to belong to the President’s party was given unlimited time to comment. Her only original comment line was “You are so pretty, you look just like your father”. The rest of her comment was a regurgitation of the usual platitudes heaped upon the President by the groveling masses, at public gatherings. For crying out loud, why should such a person be given a blank check in determining who becomes president of this republic? I say she shouldn’t, she should instead be given a list of people who have been vetted by the constitutional provisions listed above.
Our country has just hosted an International telecommunication conference of some sort. No doubt the conference was told that our country has installed Internet service points (Nteletsa) for rural communities. What was most likely, not revealed, is how many of these still work and why the rest don’t. You can easily do the maths – how many public telephones, private or otherwise still operate? Granted, vandalism contributed to some of these facilities being discontinued, but I doubt if it all had to do with vandalism – we have an administration headed by a former soldier, whose deficient academic grounding renders him good for nothing except implementation of so-called “Security” around Government buildings, telecommunication lines, etc. It’s time we had a constitution which safeguards our country from such people holding the office of president of this Republic.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Could the gods digest our "earthly" food?

Oh my God, Anubis and his fellow gods were extra-terrestrials alright! They did not have stomachs good enough to digest our food, so they ate our sh!t, sorry. All that embalming nonsense was just to obtain food – from our stomachs. Ok, maybe I am a little excited, but please look at the facts:

1. The name Espaniar for Spaniards is a corruption for the Kalanga word Ba-esi panya, meaning “those who escort you to sh!t”. The Spanish got this name during the building of the Egyptian pyramids.

2. The name Abyssinians is a corruption for the Kalanga word “Abe sinya”, meaning “they (those who) did not shit”. These were black Southern Africans who had migrated to Egypt and environs and evidently did not take part in the construction of the pyramids.

3. Some thirty years ago, Alphonse [may his soul and his wife’s Thembi’s rest in peace] used to euphemistically say that he was going to “talk to the gods” whenever he went to the loo.  You can confirm this with his friends.

So, I submit that Alphonse must have heard it from somewhere in “folk lore” that people used to go to the toilet “to speak to the gods”.  

Monday, January 23, 2012

Yes, Barwa/Baroe were hostile to Bakalanga.

And so the Tswanas/Sothos are junior to the Kalangas, after all. The official Graham Hancock website, describing how the Two Lands of Upper and Lower Egypt were possibly weighed and divided (as the Egytians themselves claim)  in order to achieve peace between their gods Seth and Horus respectively, notes that:
“…In the First Time peace had reigned, before the dispute in which the visionary young Horus was blinded by his uncle Seth, while Horus castrated the worldly, virile older male. For the Egyptians, from at least the time of the Pyramid Texts, this dispute was a mythic equivalent of the opening of Pandora's Box, by which troubles came into the world…”

The Graham Hancock website quotes  an inscription on the Shabaka Stone:

“He judged between Horus and Seth; he ended their quarrel. He made Seth the king of Upper Egypt in the land of Upper Egypt, up to the place in which he was born, which is Su. And Geb made Horus King of Lower Egypt in the land of Lower Egypt, up to the place in which his father was drowned which is "Division-of-the-Two-Lands." Thus Horus stood over one region, and Seth stood over one region. They made peace over the Two Lands at Ayan [location immediately to the north of Memphis]. That was the division of the Two Lands….Then Horus stood over the land. He is the unifier of this land, proclaimed in the great name: Ta-tenen, South-of-his-Wall, Lord of Eternity. Then sprouted the two Great Magicians upon his head. He is Horus who arose as king of Upper and Lower Egypt, who united the Two Lands in the Nome of the Wall, the place in which the Two Lands were united.
Reed and papyrus were placed on the double door of the House of Ptah. That means Horus and Seth, pacified and united. They fraternized so as to cease quarreling in whatever place they might be, being united in the House of Ptah, the "Balance of the Two Lands" in which Upper and Lower Egypt had been weighed.”

Of great significance in the above quote is the word “Ta-tenen”, which is a corruption of the Kalanga word “(Ba)Tatennini”, meaning a paternal uncle, i.e. one’s father’s younger brother. So to the god Horus, the god Seth was Batatennini, meaning that the people of Su were considered junior to the people of Lower Egypt. But who were these people of Su?
From the Southern city of Su, we have BaSuThu, i.e. “People of Su.” These are the Baroe/Barwa, whose god Seth (Sotho?) was an uncle “Ta-tenen” i.e. Batatennini in Kalanga language, to the god Horus of the people in the Northern city of Memphis. So Horus, son of Osiris, was the god of Kalangas in Lower Egypt.
Now we know what the name “Mosu”, a village where Khama III is said to have been born, means – a person from Su. I recently read an article by Michael Dingake in which he warned Bangwato not to attempt to re-impose their oppressive Mephato (regiments) on “subject” tribes. Dingake remembers that Bangwato used to call his father “Rangwane” i.e. junior uncle. Imagine the cheek of rangwane calling rremogolo “Rangwane”!  Unless Bangwato occasionally put on their Bayela (Kalanga) mantle to tamper with their BaSuThu roots, it makes no sense that they would refer to a Mbikhwa (Dingake) as “rangwane”. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Still on Palette of Pharaoh Narmer

I intend to “live” on the Narmer Palette until I am convinced that I fully understand what it is, and what it is saying. The reader is therefore advised not to despair when I occasionally seem to contradict myself. Always consider the later opinion to be derived from a more enlightened view whenever an earlier view seems to be contradicted. 
I start off my analysis with the topmost register on the palette where “Narmer” is in a procession of officials, with ten decapitated bodies just in front of them.  
Starting with the ten decapitated bodies on the right: I think it is an exclamation, meaning “put your heads to the ground!” – BIGANI MIHOLO PASI in Ikalanga language.
The standards follow thereafter. First, the two falcons: It’s generally accepted that that means “two kings”. I would add a “one”, to make it “two kings in one!” – BOHE BABILI
After the falcons comes the lion – (ZHI)SHUMBA
Next comes the (inverted) stomach - GULU
Then comes the officer with an inscription “tshet”. This is inverted. It should be “tetshi”,meaning “master” – TETSHI
Then comes the figure of Meno himself, wearing the two crowns. His name is inverted of course – MENO or MENGWE.
The rear official, a figure after Meno has an inscription in the form of a Flower/Flowers – MALUBA; and carries two shoes –HANGU MBILI.
I believe this is a play on the sounds of words, like in a dream. “MALUBA HANGU MBILI” sounds like “MALOBA HANGO MBILI”, meaning “the one who (or you) defeated the two lands”
The same official has a kettle in his right hand. This could represent the Nile – GUNGWA, i.e. the drinking one.
Next to, and just above the rear official is a rectangle, with a triangle (or pyramid) on it. The rectangle is the (Egyptian) federation. The triangle is a pyramid – BUNDO. This could mean “united into one federation of ka-Mabunde, i.e. the Bundes federation” – KAMABUNDE.
The closest translation I can render in English is as follows: "Bow down your heads to touch the ground; Welcome Mengwe, King of Kings, the biggest lion, your master, the one who defeated the two lands that carry the Nile and united them into one Federation of MaBunde".

That this register makes declarations in Ikalanga language reinforces the view that Mengwe was not a Baroe King, but rather that he was a Bazwina (army) general who united the Baroe (Upper Egypt) and BaKalanga (lower Egypt) into one federation. If Mengwe had been a Baroe King, his palette would have been written in the Baroe (i.e. Sesotho/Setswana) language, and not in Ikalanga language as it undoubtedly is.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Why Kgafela must win

To understand Kgafela’s gripe with the Botswana Government, one has to go back six thousand years; back to Mapungubwe; back to the time when Bakgatla were called BeHakata.
Hakata, as you will recall, are divining bones (Ditaola in Setswana). BeHakata were powerful people. The Nshakashongwe (King) ruled through them. Indeed, even today, hakata play a crucial role in the lives of our people. If a traditional doctor claims that his hakata have identified person A as the culprit in the disappearance of a child, then person A will need police protection, else he may be run out of the village, or if he resists, may even be killed. Such was the power of BeHakata at Mapungubwe. Their language was Chindebele, the same language that was called Ikalanga in the Middle East.
Then from Egypt and North Africa a people arrived, who spoke various languages. Some spoke Ikalanga, others spoke Chirwa (Setswana/Sesotho), and yet others spoke Nguni languages. These people did not know, and had never been subjected to the power of, Hakata. When they saw hakata in the hands of BeHakata, they quickly understood that those divining bones were the means by which society was controlled (“go laola” morafe in Setswana). Hence they called hakata, “Ditaola” in Setswana language. The new immigrants from North Africa, the majority of whom spoke Ikalanga, merged with the local people, who spoke the same language under a different name – Chindebele. All  lived under the social control of BeHakata.
The arrival of the British colonialists dislodged power from its traditional custodians the BeHakata, and threw it onto the lap of three Chirwa (Setswana) speaking Bayela (Greeks) from North Africa.  It was these three Setswana speaking Bayela chiefs who were chosen by the British, to go seek “British protection” at the dawn of colonial occupation of our country. From then on, these three Bayela chiefs were transformed into veritable “foot stools of Imperialism”, to borrow Julius Malema’s words. Our country was divided, by the British, into essentially two main regions – the first region being British possessions, i.e. crown lands and British Company farms, and the second region being subdivided among the Bayela chiefs. No one else mattered, except the BeHakata, who were too powerful to be ignored. Consequently, the BeHakata got a sizeable share of the land as “Bakgatla Tribal territory”.
But on departure, the British ensured (with Seretse Khama’s help) that power was left firmly in the hands of the Setswana speaking Bayela tribes. They concocted a fraudulent constitution to that effect, which constitution the BeHakata King Kgafela Kgafela II now seeks to expose and to trash. So, Kgafela  as the direct descendant of the Mapungubwe traditional medicine leader, owes it to all the Batebele, to  win this legal challenge and trash the fraudulent constitution. All peace-loving citizens of this country Botswana, should support him. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Who was Pharaoh Narmer

Among the latest people to arrive in Southern Africa from Egypt were the Banyai (irrigators), also called “Badila-unnda” (irrigators). These are the followers of King Mengwe of Maitengwe, and their totem is Moyo (heart). A little earlier than the arrival of the Moyos, Southern Africa had welcomed yet another group of Banyai, the Chuma or Nkomo group. The Banyai are sometimes referred to in Setswana (Chirwa) language as Baswina, a name also used by Kalangas to refer to Shonas. The name “Baswina” is wrong. The correct name is “Bazwina” i.e. “the gatekeepers”. The Bazwina played the gate keeping (military defence) role in ancient Egypt.

Northern Egypt (the Nile delta) was home to a federation of Kalanga speaking peoples, stretching all the way north past Mesopotamia. South of the delta the Kalanga speaking Federation deployed its Defence Forces, composed of Bazwina, (gatekeepers). Further south of Bazwina were Barui (fighters in Shona language). The latter later became Baroe, now called Batswana/Basotho. The language of Barui was, and still is different from Kalanga. What is not clear at this stage is whether the Barui (fighters) were part of the Kalanga Federation army, and therefore were an extension of the Bazwina,  or whether they were considered a threat to the federation, hence the deployment of the Bazwina against them.

What can be said with considerable certainty is that General (later Pharaoh) Meno/Mengwe led the Bazwina group, just as King Meno/Mengwe leads the Banyai/Bazwina today.
And here we come to the Narmer Palette. I submit that the Narmer palette is a celebration of a MILITARY COUPE by General Meno against the Egyptian Federation. One powerful pointer to this supposition is that on the palette, the hieroglyph for Meno’s name is written upside down, resulting in it being read as “Narmer” instead of Meno or Mengwe. Mengwe wanted it written that way to celebrate “overturning” the Government.

Mengwe’s name is not the only thing that is upside-down on the palette. The whole procession of standard bearers in front of Mengwe loudly announces his arrival at the inspection of the decapitated bodies. Just infront of Mengwe is a long haired official. The hieroglyph next to him is said to mean “Tshet”. I submit that it is also upside-down, and the correct meaning is “Tetshi” i.e. “master” in Kalanga language.Thus the official was announcing the arrival of the new “master”, Mengwe. The “Tetshi” official is preceded by four standard bearers. The first two are falcons, proclaiming that Mengwe is bigger than just a king. The next bearer carries a dog or possibly a lion. A lion is a symbol of greatness in Africa. The last standard bearer is the most interesting – he carries a stomach, “gulu” in Kalanga. Well, the word “gulu” also means “big/biggest”. So, I submit that the four standard bearers announce the arrival of “king of kings, the biggest lion” Mengwe at the inspection of the decapitated former government officials!

The bull (Nkomo) in the lowest register is trampling on the vanquished IN AN ENCLOSURE, again suggesting a military coupe rather than an invasion from a foreign force. Within the enclosure is something that could be mistaken for a fort, but I think it is a pot WHICH HAS ALSO BEEN TURNED UPSIDE-DOWN, i.e. overthrown.

Thus General Mangwe, leader of the army (Bazwina) overthrew the Government and installed himself as Pharaoh of Egypt, and commander in chief of the armed forces. On top of his army cap (supposedly the white crown of Southern Egypt) he now adorned himself with the state’s crown – the red crown of lower Egypt.
Oh, just behind Mengwe on the palette is an official carrying his sandals and a milk container. This is yet another shouting of praises for Mengwe – “Manngula ne nkaka beti vula ina manyungula”, which means “the one who would rather wash with milk, because there may be tadpoles in water”.